Share of required margin increases at top EU CCP members
Number of clearing members with total requirements of €10bn and above has been increasing since 2017
Concentration risk add-ons too low at Ice and ECC, says regulator
Results of European stress test suggest shortfall of collateral for large commodities positions is equivalent to 17% of total required margin
Fair value gains give JP Morgan DFAST edge
Bank was only one to record bigger capital lift from AOCI by end of test’s horizon
US banks underestimate loan losses in Fed stress test
Systemic lenders predict 34% lower hit to their loan books in latest DFAST exercise
HSBC exhausts leverage headroom in Fed stress tests
Goldman Sachs worst performer among US banks
Fog of war: the struggle to manage geopolitical risk
Financial firms ponder how to factor the Ukraine conflict and wider global unrest into stress-testing
Correlations in operational risk stress testing: use and abuse
The paper presents an analysis of correlation effects of economic factors on the operational risk losses of a medium-large UK retail bank, and it recommends that causal factors that effect operational risk should be identified.
Standard risk measures low-balled Archegos exposures
When a potential blow-up doesn’t show up, what use are VAR, SA-CCR and stress tests?
Banks’ loan-loss forecasts diverge in BoE climate exercise
Dispersion of estimates for corporate impairments highlights variety of assumptions for modelling climate risk
Inflation scenarios, pt II: end of the party
Whether inflation rises or falls, crowdsourced scenarios forecast huge range of outcomes
The rise of non-financial risks
Naeem Siddiqi, senior adviser, risk management, risk research and quantitative solutions at SAS, discusses the effectiveness of stress-testing as a risk management tool in rapidly changing markets, the role of new technologies in developing robust data…
A look at asset liquidation from a different angle
Quants propose a novel approach to assess liquidation cost and stress-testing for hard-to-sell assets
Peacetime stress‑testing applications
Leo Sadovy, analytics consultant, risk, finance and banking, and solution lead for SAS‘s scenario analysis and stress-testing solution, sets out the key role of strong decision-making and the importance of being able to innovate and respond to adverse…
Banks tout CCAR-style stress tests for emergent risks
Extreme-but-plausible scenario planning is being applied to geopolitical events such as Ukraine conflict
Net zero banks playing catch-up in ECB climate review
Banks that aim to align to Paris Agreement still fall short on climate disclosures
What do regulators need from governments on climate change?
To reduce the number of climate risk scenarios, lawmakers need to start being more specific
Clearing house of the year: OCC
Risk Awards 2022: Risk management reforms help clearing house weather meme stock volatility
On comprehensive balance sheet stress testing and net interest income risk attribution
In this paper the authors propose a framework for granular-level stressed net interest income calculation and profit-and-loss risk attribution.
SA-CCR switch pushes Goldman below Collins floor
Early adoption at the end of 2021 adds $15 billion of RWAs
Climate risk and central counterparty risk management
In this paper, the European Association of CCP Clearing Houses discusses several aspects of climate risk, including how climate risk is currently integrated into central counterparty stress testing, the metrics within climate risk and how central…
BoE stress tests: Lloyds just 10bp above minimum CET1 ratio
Bank’s simulated core ratio was just 10bp above requirements at the worst point of a severe recession
Climate risk takes scenario analysis and stress-testing to the next level
Financial institutions are facing several challenges as they prepare for the transition risk journey that will see them evaluating their existing risk and finance solutions. Ludwig Dickens, client advisor, risk business consulting, at SAS discusses what…
Basel turns attention to non-climate-related environment risks
Experts warn of over-complicated framework if nature-related risks are added prematurely
Assessing climate risk in bond portfolios
Running climate stress tests on bond portfolios is a nascent exercise for many asset managers. MSCI looks at what to consider when optimising bond portfolios for climate exposures