Stuck in the middle with EU: dealers clash over FRTB timing
Largest banks want Commission to delay implementation, but it’s not the legislator’s only option
European Commission in ‘listening mode’ on potential FRTB changes
Delay or relief measures on the table after UK postpones start of Basel III to 2027
Australian FRTB projects slow down amid scheduling uncertainty
Market risk experts think Apra might soften NMRF regime to spur internal model adoption
Barr’s Fed exit likely to delay, but not destroy, Basel III
Market risk, op risk and leverage ratio all in the sights of Barr’s potential successors
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Risk Quantum finds insights in data. The service tracks the public disclosures of over 120 banks, funds, insurers, corporates, and central counterparties – as well as reports from prudential and markets regulators – in Asia, Europe and North America.
Citi sees sevenfold spike in derivs exposure cash outflows amid data upgrade
FX data enhancement triggers record-breaking projected cashflows, but net position remains largely unchanged
Iosco pre-hedging review: more RFQs than answers
Latest proposals leave observers weighing new clampdown on pre-hedging
Iosco mimics industry codes to tackle pre-hedging dilemma
Advocates breathe sigh of relief, but Iosco release carries suggested restrictions
Ruled out: can regulators settle the pre-hedging debate?
Market participants are at odds over the practice and whether regulation or principles can settle the score
More disclosure touted to temper pre-hedging ills
Transparency could help investors choose a dealer, but will they use the disclosures?
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