A market-making model for an options portfolio
Vladimir Lucic and Alex Tse fill a glaring gap in European-style derivatives modelling
Podcast: Alexei Kondratyev on quantum computing
Imperial College London professor updates expectations for future tech
Quants mine gold for new market-making model
Novel approach to modelling cointegrated assets could be applied to FX and potentially even corporate bond pricing
Quants dive into FX fixing windows debate
Longer fixing windows may benefit clients, but predicting how dealers will respond is tough
Podcast: Piterbarg and Nowaczyk on running better backtests
Quants discuss new way to extract independent samples from correlated datasets
BofA quants propose new model for when to hold, when to sell
Closed-form formula helps market-makers optimise exit strategies
Podcast: Alvaro Cartea on collusion within trading algos
Oxford-Man Institute director worries ML-based trading could have anti-competitive effects
Podcast: Lorenzo Ravagli on why the skew is for the many
JP Morgan quant proposes a unified framework for trading the volatility skew premium
Counterparty risk model links defaults to portfolio values
Fed’s Michael Pykhtin proposes using copula models to capture effects of margin calls on default risk
Podcast: Olivier Daviaud on P&L attribution for options
JP Morgan quant discusses his alternative to Greeks decomposition
Filling gaps in market data with optimal transport
Julius Baer quant proposes novel way to generate accurate prices for illiquid maturities
Georgios Skoufis on RFRs, convexity adjustments and Sabr
Bloomberg quant discusses his new approach for calculating convexity adjustments for RFR swaps
A dynamic margin model takes shape
New paper shows how creditworthiness and concentrations can be reflected into margin requirements
How HSBC got better at pricing share buy-backs
Monte Carlo approach generates faster, more reliable pricing for complex deals
Degree of influence 2023: Quants thrive on volatility
Climate, crypto and market impact also featured among the top research topics in 2023
How to account for banks’ contribution to CO2 emissions
Price adjustments will depend on individual counterparties’ carbon footprints
Exploiting causal biases in market impact models
Model calibration gains efficiency by including biased but adjusted trading data
Skew this: taking the computational burden off basket options
Dan Pirjol presents a snap formula for estimating implied volatility skew in an instant
How a machine learning model closed a hidden FX arbitrage gap
MUFG Securities quant uses variational inference to control the mid volatility of options
Into the quantiverse: real-world pricing goes arbitrage-free
QRM quants claim to have bridged divide across ‘multiverse’ of fixed-income models
A three-point turn in derivative design
Citibank quant’s triangle method allows information geometry to be applied to hedge structuring