US Treasuries
‘More questions than answers’ in race to build repo plumbing
Complexity could slow development of matching and credit-checking tools for US Treasury trades
Hedge funds could look to bypass UST clearing mandate
New paper argues that repo users might relocate offshore or use other means to avoid US Treasury clearing dragnet
Banks divided over CME’s done-away model for UST clearing
Buy side could give thumbs-up if questions on margin protection and guarantee fees are answered
Treasury clearing timeline ‘too aggressive’ says BofA rates head
Sifma gears up for extension talks with incoming SEC and Treasury officials
Risk Quantum
Data insights, delivered daily
Risk Quantum finds insights in data. The service tracks the public disclosures of over 120 banks, funds, insurers, corporates, and central counterparties – as well as reports from prudential and markets regulators – in Asia, Europe and North America.
German emissions traders swell ECC membership
CCP’s bid for transparency leads to 165-member increase
Op risk benchmarking
For banks, change risk is inevitable; managing it, optional
Regional bank survey shows steady growth of dedicated change risk functions and adoption of leading indicators
Public enemy number one: the threat to information security
Nearly half of domestic and regional banks report risk appetite breaches amid heightened sense of insecurity
Regionals built first-line defences pre-CrowdStrike
In-business risk teams vary in size and reporting lines, but outage fears are a constant
As supplier risk grows, banks check their third-party guest lists
Dora forces rethink of KRI and appetite frameworks amid reappraisal of what constitutes a key counterparty
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