Margin call
Barclays, RBC end 2024 with record-high swaps margin
Both dealers see double-digit increases, but year sees least growth in at least a decade
Diversification of LDI liquidity buffers sparks debate
Funds using credit assets to top up collateral waterfall, but some risk managers are sceptical
Initial margin requirements hit record highs at major CCPs
Tumultuous third quarter sees $94bn surge across 14 CCPs
Margin breaches skyrocket at JSCC amid market volatility
August turmoil led to record initial margin shortfalls at six clearing divisions
New CME guidance to drive tighter margin call management
Clearing house rule clarified to limit the use of grace periods to cases of admin/operational errors only
Morgan Stanley, Goldman FCMs set new margin records
Investment banks see futures, options and swaps margin hit new highs in September
ASX member paid record $154m to cover dues in Q2
Single-member largest payment obligation beat 2015’s high by 40.8%
Estimated stress losses at CME, Eurex and LCH surge to record high
Latest projections likely behind increases in contributions to CCPs’ default funds in Q2
Could Trump presidency herald $27bn margin call on World Bank?
Think-tank’s policy plan to pull US out of multilateral threatens AAA rating, ending collateral exemption
Triggers of August market ‘flare-up’ still in place, BIS warns
Leveraged positions remain at risk of sudden unwinding, as margin calls play amplifying role
Barclays overtakes BofA on client margin for swaps
July figures make FCM fifth-largest by total margin in the US
Counterparty risk model links defaults to portfolio values
Fed’s Michael Pykhtin proposes using copula models to capture effects of margin calls on default risk
JSCC’s initial margin soared as Japan’s stock market hit record high
Higher demand for exchange-traded products pushed requirements up in Q1
JSCC, ASX see hypothetical stress loss breaches in Q1
Single-member default in worst-case scenario would have exceeded available resources
MMF margin adoption needed to boost tokenisation efforts
Instruments must be more widely accepted as initial margin for new tech initiatives to take off, says JPM exec
OCC readies new intraday margin requirement
Draft measure would cover all options positions including 0DTEs
Regulators urged to back non-cash variation margin
Market participants warn FSB on cash demands if banks curb collateral upgrade trades
Nervous UK pension schemes want liquidity fixes – it’ll cost them
Asset managers are crafting new ways for schemes to raise cash in a crisis
Industry urges focus on initial margin instead of intraday VM
CPMI-Iosco says scheduled variation margin is better than ad hoc calls by clearing houses
Buy side would welcome more guidance on managing margin calls
FSB report calls for regulators to review existing standards for non-bank liquidity management
LCH issued highest cash call in more than five years
Largest same-day payment obligation triples in Q4 2023