Margin call
How China’s equities intervention caused a quant fund quake
Popular leveraged market-neutral trade crumbled after government stepped in to support major indexes in February
Proposed CCP margin disclosures may be ‘destabilising’, Eurex warns
BCBS-Iosco consultation calls for daily disclosure of margin calls
Clearing members cheer plan for more transparency on CCP margin
European Parliament wants to amend Emir 3.0 draft to put extra obligations on clearing houses
JSCC’s initial margin hit all-time high in Q3
Requirements at ETP cash securities unit up fivefold, OSE-listed ETP service grows to record size
NSCC had top margin breach of $1.2bn in Q3
Margin shortfall is largest on record for the CCP and bucks wider trend across global clearing houses
CME’s Span 2 margin model generates systems headaches
Market participants welcome smarter margin requirements, but not the computational workload
Nickel odium: critics pan BoE role in LME meltdown
Last year’s nickel fiasco calls into question effectiveness of UK supervisory model – and of central bank’s part
Buy side reflects on BoE’s gilt liquidity lifeline
Lending facility could prevent repeat of last year’s LDI crisis if properly designed, pension and insurance experts say
Asset managers offer tailored LDI to smaller pension schemes
Minimum AUM for customised hedging slashed from around £400m to £75m
Liquidity risk triples at Nasdaq in second quarter
Updated model extends time horizon to seven-plus days
Like your CSA dirty? It’ll cost more
Buy-side firms have to pay up if they want to post corporate bonds to their dealers, but prices vary
JSCC’s IRS unit hit by record margin breaches
Interest rate volatility drives coverage level below CCP’s risk appetite, triggering IM methodology review
Ice Credit makes biggest IM call since early pandemic
Aggregate peak calls were 17% higher in Q1 than previous quarter across 25 clearing houses
Initial margin hits all-time high at two LCH services
Despite initial margin spike, breaches at SwapClear climb to nearly 19,000
Peak IM call hits record $4.8bn at FICC’s GSD
Required IM also rose to all-time high during volatile Q1
OTC share of EU gas derivatives surges to 25%
Energy price cap may supercharge flight from ETDs and affect CCPs’ ability to manage risks, Esma warns
NSCC and OCC to enhance co-operation on large cash calls
New deal would improve management of options expiries, but will stop short of cross-margining
CME revises estimated worst-case payment obligation
IRS and F&O clearing units both subject to revision in Q3
Who blew up gas prices? (It wasn’t just Russia)
Government buying, climate risk and short squeezes may have led to ‘horrendous’ gas market margin calls
Market rejects EU attempts to isolate energy firms via Emir
Participants warn proposals would push up hedging costs for little systemic protection
Pension funds face intraday margin calls from anxious clearers
Some banks stick with T+1 margin posting, but others balk at funding cost and counterparty risk
Pensions regulator plays down LDI risk to EU
Eiopa doubts UK gilt market chaos could occur to same degree in Europe
Esma renews Mifid pursuit of energy firms amid crisis
Utility companies worry about high and volatile capital requirements if they are caught under IFR
$899m margin breach at FICC’s mortgage unit
Three-day move in TBA prices on June 9 triggered second-highest backtesting deficiency to date