Cross-border supervision
BoE and ECB weigh calls to follow US lead on capital relief
European regulators face pressure to exempt sovereign exposures from leverage ratio
False start for foreign banks under Fed’s tailoring rule
Delayed reporting form means requirements for Barclays and Credit Suisse could change twice in 2020
Clearing experts fear tough EC stance on Emir 2.2
Industry disappointed final Esma advice did little to dial back on burdensome equivalence rules
CFTC’s equivalence plan divides clearing houses and clients
US end-users prefer alternative compliance, but foreign CCPs want exempt status
Fed turns up heat on dollar repo dodge
New liquidity rules for foreign banks’ US branches may be hard to stop, but can be softened
US parries EU jab on CCP oversight
CFTC’s Pan questions Esma’s “very complex” test; EC’s Pearson calls it “more intelligent” than US’s
Esma takes flak over vague CCP enhanced supervision plans
JP Morgan calls for more quantitative thresholds for determining systemic foreign CCPs
Giancarlo bows out with regulatory deference
Move comes amid row between US and European policymakers over cross-border CCP regulation
EU’s new securitisation market stumbles at the starting gate
Lack of single supervisory authority is hampering EU efforts to create new markets
Goldman welcomes Basel’s rationalisation drive
Isda AGM: Praise for efforts to curb fragmentation, but EU official defends rollback of deference
Data gap leaves six foreign banks in US regulatory limbo
New Fed FBO proposal relies on an indicator that banks have not yet been reporting
New EU rules threaten to lock out US prop traders
Revisions to Mifid equivalence make opaque demands requiring “psychic abilities”, warn lawyers
CFTC nominee opposes EU oversight of US clearing houses
In EU-US turf war, Heath Tarbert says US CCPs should be ‘exclusively supervised’ by US regulators
Fed may delay counterparty limits for foreign banks
Other countries need time to catch up on Basel large exposures rule, Fed official says
CFTC seeks trading venue equivalence in Asia
As it strives for a seamless Brexit, the CFTC also nears deals with Asian jurisdictions
No bank would benefit from planned eurozone G-Sib waiver
Neither Deutsche nor BNP Paribas would move to a lower capital buffer, based on end-2017 data
What’s Finnish for ‘too big to fail’?
Strange case of Nordea highlights flaw in G-Sib assessments
Fed finds more risk failings at FBOs than at US firms
FBOs attract hundreds more matters requiring attention than domestic banks
EU seeks fix for capital double-count
Rules for investment firms would pile capital on capital in apparent error
National supervisors put pressure on global risk models
Varied supervisory and external audit demands stretch cross-border risk management
EU’s further intragroup clearing relief: banks want more
Esma proposes to extend exemptions from clearing obligation but industry wants permanent solution
Stuck in traffic: EU turf war holds up CCP resolution rules
Unsuitable rules for failed banks could be used to resolve French and German clearing houses
Day one of a no-deal Brexit: swaps and chaperones
Banks, trading platforms, repositories tee up EU entities – and dread the repapering crunch that would follow
SEC finally moves forward on single-name CDS dealer rules
Commissioner Peirce wants rest of dealer regime completed within “weeks”, but no word on clearing