Operational risk

Emerging adequacy

The Committee of Chief Risk Officers' capital adequacy 'emerging practice' guidelines will, says the capital adequacy committee chair, evolve into a new regulatory body within a year.

Accord preparations: the rest is yet to come

While the debates have raged for months about many aspects of the proposed Basel II Accord, on some points there has been relative silence, in particular with regard to the seeming overreliance on statistical techniques.

Sarbanes grills Brickell over Ofheo nomination

The US Senate Banking Committee held a hearing on Mark Brickell's nomination for director of the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (Ofheo), the regulator for government-sponsored enterprises (GSE) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, this afternoon.

Preparation, quantification, implementation

While the South African Reserve Bank is in favour of Basel II, those tasked with preparing for the new capital accord are in no doubt that the risk quantification challenges presented by it are daunting.

All in Accord

South Africa's banks are taking Basel II seriously. Clive Davidson discovers what they are doing to prepare for its implementation, and how they are meeting the many challenges of the new capital accord.

Hong Kong to adopt loose approach to Basel II

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the financial regulator for the special administrative region of China, will not be mandating that certain types of banks adopt certain portions of the revised Basel Accords, according to a speech by Simon Toping,…

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