Operational risk
Op risk may be in Pillar II for EU insurers
Basel II is a key driver for real-time info
Survey spotlights doubts on Basel II among banks
CP3 respondents baulk at impact of Basel II on developing nations
FSA outlines op risk development
Investors and auditors differ on Sarbanes-Oxley’s effectiveness
Losses and lawsuits
RMG leaves Basel II op risk issues unresolved
What’s coming, and when
Europe debates clearing and settlement
Insurers protest at Basel II op risk insurance restrictions
SIAC Says SFTI Passed Blackout Test
NEW YORK - Officials of the Securities Industry Automation Corp. (SIAC) report that its Secure Financial Transaction Infrastructure (SFTI) network in greater New York went uninterrupted during the August 14 blackout that hit North America.
Risk transparency without position transparency
When high-profile blow-ups hit the headlines, calls for greater transparency come to the fore. By Peter Davies, vice-chairman, RiskMetrics Group
US bulge-bracket firms get serious about compliance
US bulge-bracket firms are starting to address a number of complex compliance and ethical business issues in the wake of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 by investing in technology to monitor their employees' conduct.
Signs are good for IAS 39 final preparations
IAS 39 is still being finalised, but bank asset and liability managers are already putting in place systems and procedures to make sure their businesses come up to scratch. John Ferry reports
The dilemmas of risk disclosure
Barry Schachter discovers that the path towards a workable structure for hedge fund quantitative risk disclosure is very narrow. Bad news for the post-LTCM lobbyists
Measuring operational risk: a reality check
In the second of two articles on operational risk, Mark Holmes looks at the measurement issues involved, taking a constructively critical look at the ideas currently in vogue.
Fed to change supervision structure for Basel II
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York will change the way its supervisory departments are structured in order to implement Basel II, William Rutledge, executive vice president of the banking supervision group and a member of the management committee at…
FSA official slams UK banks' preparedness for Basel II
UK banks are further behind in their preparations for Basel II than the UK's Financial Services Authority expected them to be, said Ian Tower, head of the risk review department of the prudential standards division of the regulator at a London conference…
IIF calls for Basel and IASB co-operation; warns on Basel II deadline
The Institute of International Finance (IIF), an association of leading banks, has called for more co-operation and discussion on bank capital accounting issues between the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the International Accounting Standards…
Sponsor's article > Basel backlash: the summer of discontent
Regulators in the United States have been voicing their concerns about Basel II for some time. But now banks elsewhere are also opposing some of the proposals.