Operational risk

CP3 comments: Any last words?

The comments elicited by the Basel Committee's third consultative paper (CP3) show just how little consensus exists between regulators and banks on the Basel II capital Accord. Dwight Cass highlights some of the telling comments.

Bill of rights

A group of 25 institutional investors have released a manifesto outlining their aims for a better world for bondholders. Stronger covenants, greater transparency and improved ratings practices are amongst their demands.

Breaking down the model

Brett Humphreys and Andy Dunn outline a method to help energy companies minimise potential model risk and thereby avoid costly errors in valuing deals.

Geithner to replace McDonough at New York Fed

Timothy Geithner, currently the director of the Policy Development and Review Department at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington DC, has been named the next chief executive of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Black Thursday

The costs of the recent power outage in large parts of northeast USA and Canada range from $6 billion to $10 billion. Hardeep Dhillon looks at the consequences of the blackout and analyzes the impact on the utility and insurance industries.

What price regulatory compliance?

The US banking industry has been inundated with a set of mandatory changes such as Basel II, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Patriot Act, which, responded to individually, represent a significant portion of an organisation's change budget. Dai Bedford,…

Geopolitical futures: The politics of betting

Using markets to forecast political events may not be as strange an idea as it seemed in July, when a terrorism futures scheme collapsed. But there is still scepticism as to whether such an approach would be ethical or effective.

S&P questions Basel II

NEW YORK - Standard and Poor's anticipates significant challenges for banks to quantify operational risk as outlined in Basel II, even though it expresses general support for the Accord as a whole.

RMG leaves Basel II op risk issues unresolved

SAN FRANCISCO - The Risk Management Group (RMG) of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision met in mid-September to attempt to thrash out some key operational risk issues, and review the comments from the third consultative paper (CP3).

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