New FICC clearing model still holds fears for buy side
Sponsored access with margin segregation hasn’t reassured firms about loss mutualisation
US MMFs’ cleared repos top half-a-trillion dollars
FICC-routed transactions increased 52% in the 12 months to April
NYCB turns to repos, discount window in cash-hoarding push
Bank had previously supplemented funding needs almost exclusively with FHLB advances
Basel war on window-dressing may smooth liquidity, at a price
Changes to G-Sib charge could curb year-end repo volatility, but also cut balance sheet capacity
Canada’s triparty repo launch aims to fill C$60bn void
Test trades on TMX/Clearstream platform represent “quantum leap” for creaking funding markets
Nervous UK pension schemes want liquidity fixes – it’ll cost them
Asset managers are crafting new ways for schemes to raise cash in a crisis
State Street loads up on short-term borrowing as rates spike
Funding rejig comes amid surge in deposits
FICC takes flak over Treasury clearing proposal
Latest plans would still allow members to bundle clearing and execution – and would fail to boost clearing capacity, critics say
Pension schemes prep facilities to ‘repo’ fund units
Schroders, State Street and Cardano plan new way to shore up pension portfolios against repeat of 2022 gilt crisis
LCH UK units experience diverging IM requirements
EquityClear and RepoClear drop by half while SwapClear hits record high
Derivatives funding: smart solutions for a complex environment
Eurex’s cleared repo and GC Pooling offerings are helping market participants overcome challenges in the funding, financing and collateral markets
CBA’s SFT exposures balloon 50% during H2 2023
Surge in repos and similar transactions puts lender only behind NAB among Aussie dealers
EU index managers face funding risks as US moves to T+1
Rotations from European to US assets will need prefunding due to slower EU settlement
Five US banks hit record leverage exposures
Ballooning balance sheets leave Goldman, Morgan Stanley with razor-thin SLR buffers
Interbank lending plummets at major European banks
Reduced repo operations and TLTRO repayments among drivers
Dynamic margining long/short equity trading strategies
A repo haircut model extends a previous solution for long-only strategies
Market seeks details of PBoC plan to open onshore repo trading
Traders welcome the move but want clarity on legal and collateral issues
Canadian MMFs face yield squeeze on CDOR’s demise
High-yielding BA notes will disappear from the market in June with no clear replacement at hand
US MMFs back in love with US Treasuries in Q4
Cash securities snatch crown from ebbing repos as funds’ top investment
Cleared US repos hit record high as MMFs wean off Fed
Deflating tri-party volumes coincide with FICC DVP trades’ climb to $2tn
Holes in the netting: the limits of CME-FICC cross-margin deal
Big margin savings for some, but more needed to ease pressure of UST clearing mandate
US MMF repos with dealers hit record amid RRP pullback
Non-Fed trades up 13% in November as facility’s usage declines rapidly
US dealers’ leverage adequacy hits two-year high on repo compression
Lower repo exposures freed up capacity for derivatives and off-balance sheet items in third quarter