Wells Fargo loan book swells $48bn in Q1
San Francisco-based bank clears space on balance sheet for increased lending
How the Fed’s asset cap changed Wells Fargo
Lender has expanded repo book and cut cash since Q4 2017
Banks fear time-limit on Fed leverage ratio reprieve
Capital constraints not covered by relief also weigh on balance sheet strategy
Money funds turn to Fed facility amid record inflows
MMFs are accepting 0% returns and waiving management fees to avoid ‘breaking the buck’
Sluggish back-office systems added to margin pressures
Systems supplied by FIS struggled to handle massive spike in March trading volumes
Repo rules caught in Covid’s concertina effect
Pandemic jeopardises phased rollout of Europe’s SFTR regime, raising fears of chaotic ‘big bang’ start
SOFR trades transact below zero for the first time
A few traders paid around -0.02% to borrow Treasuries in exchange for cash
SFTR confusion over Esma’s coronavirus delay
European regulator’s announcement fails to tackle how delay affects legacy transactions
Bankers say discount window is imperfect fix for UST woes
Further changes advocated to ensure Treasuries are used in US bank liquidity buffers
Banks think SFTR delay a ‘done deal’ amid virus outbreak
Industry letter urges regulators to postpone first two phases of reporting until October
StanChart’s derivatives exposures climb 42% in 2019
UK bank’s leverage ratio falls 30 basis points year-on-year
Citi shed over $32bn of counterparty exposures in Q4
Risk-weighted assets for CCR exposures dropped -12%
Clearing members in cash clash with Apac CCPs
Banks and clearing houses wrangle over who should pay for losses on invested collateral
Dealers prefer repo for new risk-free rate in Korea
Unsecured rate undercut by dwindling transactions in local call market
Systemic US banks shed $70bn of repo exposure in Q4
Goldman Sachs lowered repo exposures 13% quarter-on-quarter
False start for foreign banks under Fed’s tailoring rule
Delayed reporting form means requirements for Barclays and Credit Suisse could change twice in 2020
Credit risk – The bank data challenge in frontier markets
As the regulatory net tightens, banks working in and across frontier regions are under pressure to source and maintain more accurate data in the assessment of counterparty credit risk, but some are investing in tools to tackle the problem
US banks anticipate fresh guidance on resolution liquidity
Consultation in first half of 2020 expected to clarify intra-group and forecasting requirements
ICAAP/ILAAP – How can banks improve the process?
Regulators consider banks’ internal capital and liquidity adequacy assessment processes (ICAAP/ILAAP) – important tools in managing risk
When a lapse in concentration is no bad thing
Fortifying too-big-to-fail firms to withstand future crises could make the entire system more vulnerable
Hedge funds levered up in 2018
Relative value funds have highest adjusted leverage, at 7,155%
IM calls rocket at LCH’s repo service in Q3
Peak aggregate initial margin call of €462 million in third quarter
Review of 2019: shaken, not stirred
The market survived a cocktail of hits. But is a hangover on the way?