Banks grapple with IFRS 9 and CECL loan loss forecasting
Ambiguity in rules sets up potential clash between banks and auditors over “reasonable and supportable” projections
Singapore’s banks frontload IFRS 9 provisioning hit
UOB, OCBC announce $1.4 billion set-asides in Q4 results to account for oil and gas loan exposures
Credit data: the Trump effect on PDs
The war on coal is over, according to the US president – and the effect can be seen in banks' default estimates
Unified data – Key to IFRS 9 implementation
Regulatory information brief part II – Benchmarks
Doubts cast on Europe’s IFRS 9 transition period
Dynamic transition viewed as too complicated for banks to use or investors to understand
How IFRS 9 can unite risk and accounting
Regulatory information brief part I – Modelling
IFRS 9 prompts Asian banks to downgrade loan books
DBS raises provisioning on weaker energy loans fourfold in third quarter, citing rules impact
Banks eye synthetic securitisation to cut IFRS 9 loan-loss spikes
New structures would help mitigate estimated 44% increase in loan-loss provisions from revised accounting framework
JP Morgan’s CRO on the bank’s six buckets of risk
Risk30: From loan losses to electromagnetic pulses, JPMorgan Chase has a place for it
IFRS 9/CECL Special Report 2017
Implementation of International Financial Reporting Standard 9 (IFRS 9) on January 1, 2018 – just over three months away – will mark a sea change in centuries-old accounting conventions, and will force banks to dramatically increase provisioning against…
Forward ordinal probability models for point-in-time probability of default term structure: methodologies and implementations for IFRS 9 expected credit loss estimation and CCAR stress testing
This paper proposes an ordinal model based on forward ordinal probabilities for rank outcomes.
PRA’s tough line on Pillar 2 disclosure divides lenders
Watchdog seeks to level playing field with public disclosure of total capital requirements
Stage fright: banks tackle IFRS 9 loan-loss volatility
Banks look to counter volatility of loss provisioning through careful calibration of loan buckets
EBA urges European banks to step up IFRS 9 preparations
Banks not yet in testing phase face 32 basis point extra capital hit, report finds
Adapting the Basel II advanced internal-ratings-based models for International Financial Reporting Standard 9
This paper examines how we may use A-IRB models in the estimation of expected credit losses for IFRS 9 purposes.
Focus on Basel output floor calibration misses the point
Until all the final standardised approaches are known, the floor has little meaning
Basel capital floor faces credit risk eclipse
Impact of capital floor depends on new credit risk rules and changes to treatment of provisions
CECL: preparing for the new standard
Sponsored webinar: Wolters Kluwer
FRTB could hit syndicated loans, banks fear
Accounting classification would lump assets into regulatory trading book
Risk managers in power struggle over IFRS 9 model development
Putting accounting specialists in charge of IFRS 9 models is ‘not optimal’
Banks mull dedicated IFRS 9 capital buffers
Volatility of loan-loss provisioning from new accounting standard demands additional own-funds protection, say banks