Exotic options
Unifying volatility models
This article introduces a method for building analytically tractable option pricing models that combine state-dependent volatility, stochastic volatility and jumps. The eigenfunction expansion method is used to add jumps and stochastic volatility to…
Pricing exotics under the smile
Masterclass – with JP Morgan
Asian basket spreads and other exotic averaging options
Giuseppe Castellacci and Michael Siclari of OpenLink introduce a class of exotic options that simultaneously generalises both Asian and basket options. They develop approximate analytic models for real-time pricing of complex instruments that average…
Assets with jumps
Option pricing
Himalaya options
Nothing epitomises the challenges of complex equity derivatives better than the so-called ‘mountain range’ products. In the second article looking at the challenges of this market, Marcus Overhaus analyses a particular product, the Himalayan option,…
Static barriers
Exotic options
Upgrading your passport
Exotic options