Enterprise risk management (ERM)
An enterprising solution
Financial Crime
Vendors feel the crunch as banks lie low
Global banks have limited view of risk
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Insurers still grappling with ERM implementation
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Credit crunch is a risk management cultural failure
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Vendors form ERM initiative to meet S&P evaluations
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The rotten core
The US is now closely examining the root causes of the subprime crisis, including mis-selling, fraud, poor internal controls and perverse incentive schemes. David Benyon explores these issues, and some potential solutions
Rethinking (operational) risk management
For operational risk managers to really make a difference to their firms' fortunes, they must be willing to get their hands dirty and face facts, no matter how scary the facts may be, says Sergio Scandizzo, in the second of a two-part series
Systems failure
Risk management
Required reading
Over the past year, we have witnessed a unique experiment in what makes financial risk management effective. A succinct supervisory summary of what we have learned should be required reading for all interested parties, argues David Rowe
Info security priority for internal audit, says survey
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Insurers show mixed reaction towards ERM
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The battle against financial crime becomes enterprise-wide
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Where the buck stops
Risk management units alone cannot avoid the damage from periodic bouts of irrational exuberance. That responsibility lies with the chief executive, argues David Rowe
It takes two
In the March 2007 edition of OpRisk & Compliance, Glenn Christensen of Synovus outlined the first part of his firm's two-pronged enterprise risk management methodology. Here, he describes thesecond part, and has some new findings and techniques to share
A call to action
The global credit crunch shows just how much the world's financial services firms need to raise their game when it comes to risk management, says Charles Dallara, managing director of the Institute for International Finance. By Ellen Davis
Citigroup launches risk reshuffle after mortgage meltdown
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Ursa Bank steps up Basel prep
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SAS extends ERM software for insurers
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The bigger picture
In 2003, rating agencies considered operational risk as a separate risk category, but quantification problems have prompted them to take an integrated, enterprise risk management approach.
'Big five' retain the consultancy crown
The usual suspects appear at the top of OR&C 's survey of consulting firms, but not without having their heels nipped at by the increasingly advancing competition