Credit derivatives
Regulatory wrangles in the CDS market
Regulatory wrangles
Q&A: Jonathan Di Giambattista
Q&A: Jonathan Di Giambattista
All hail relative value
All hail relative value
China beefing up derivatives master agreements; possible Isda friction?
Efforts by Nafmii to bolster the definitions of China’s over-the-counter derivatives master agreements should help market development. But there are concerns about potential copyright infringement related to Isda master agreements.
Morgan Stanley is mystery buyer of Natixis CDS portfolio
Morgan Stanley is said to have acquired the bulk of an €8.6 billion portfolio of complex credit derivatives from Natixis last month.
US regulatory overhaul reaches final stages
Final version of Dodd-Frank financial reform bill tones down most draconian elements.
Lack of co-ordination contributes to European market sell-off
The Bafin decree on short selling in May signalled a lack of agreement by European regulators, say participants
Naked euro currency swaps face same fate as CDSs in Germany
Germany broadens shorting ban scope
China readies for launch of onshore CDS
Financial risk management tools seen as essential for Chinese bank development
US politicians don't know the difference between CDS and insurance: Aaron Brown column
Lawmakers seeking to clamp down on the use of credit default swaps should remember that hedging and insurance are two very different concepts
Isda AGM: Rate of decrease in CDS notional falls
The rate of decrease in notional volumes of credit default swaps (CDSs) has slowed, according to the International Swaps and Derivatives Association’s year-end 2009 market survey, which was unveiled at its annual general meeting in San Francisco on April…
Buy-side CDS clearing 'not really happening'
Despite regulatory calls for buy-side clearing of credit derivatives, few client trades are being cleared.
Profiting from CDOs
Investors that snapped up cash bonds and other simple credit assets at the start of last year have made large profits as the credit market rallied strongly in 2009. While many of the obvious credit opportunities have disappeared, some market participants…
Fair-value freeze in Japan
Corporates and financial institutions have long awaited the introduction of the internationally accepted fair-value option to hedge accounting in Japan. They believe a fair-value option would allow more institutions to hedge their risks, particularly in…
A state of flux
Efforts to improve the risk architecture for the derivatives business in Asia appear more muted than elsewhere, with many regulators in the region taking a wait-and-see approach towards central counterparty. But, as Duncan Wood reports, there are some…
Credit spread shocks: how big and how often?
The second half of 2007 saw violent moves in credit spreads. In the fallout, there has been much discussion about how to estimate the probabilities of these severe events, but few conclusions have been obtained beyond the fact that historical data is…