Clearing members
OTC share of EU gas derivatives surges to 25%
Energy price cap may supercharge flight from ETDs and affect CCPs’ ability to manage risks, Esma warns
RepoClear’s concentration risks see highest rate of increase
LCH's cash bond and repo trade-clearing service has steepest slope of IM and open positions over 2016–22
Clearing house of the year: LCH
Risk Awards 2023: A member default and a spike in UK rates were handled with aplomb, while cleared volumes rose
Derivatives client clearer of the year: BNP Paribas
Risk Awards 2023: When gas prices spiked, French bank provided much-needed credit to clients hit by jumbo margin calls
CCPs’ largest members account for almost half IM
Analysis of 30 clearing services shows wide dispersion in concentration risk – with LCH and JSCC leading the pack
NSCC and OCC to enhance co-operation on large cash calls
New deal would improve management of options expiries, but will stop short of cross-margining
Client margin for swaps drops to virtually zero at Credit Suisse
Required funds posted to the bank’s US clearing unit totalled $12 at end-2022
LME model quirk saved members $915m nickel margin
Report on March 2022 blow-up says CCP may need to “intervene” on deduction of VM gains from IM
Client margin for swaps hits new record at four FCMs
Required funds at all-time high at BofA, Goldman, JP Morgan and Barclays in November as market turbulence persists
EU takes steps to avoid India clearing house lockout
Other Asian regulators may also have concerns about extraterritorial reach of Emir 2.2
CME revises estimated worst-case payment obligation
IRS and F&O clearing units both subject to revision in Q3
LCH Japan plan signals new fight for global clearing model
UK-based clearing house faces “uphill struggle” against JFSA location policy on yen derivatives
Liquidity risk at OCC up 34% in Q3
Internal stress-testing of a clearing member’s portfolio triggered upward revision
Ice Europe made $7.8bn VM call in Q3
Highest cash call on record triggered by higher commodity prices as Europe energy crisis persists
IM at Eurex Clearing’s IRS unit rose again in Q3
Heightened market volatility behind latest increase to record high €50.7bn
The final countdown: Europe’s pension funds get ready to clear
With clearing exemption due to end next June, EU funds try to learn from UK’s LDI mistakes
OTC clearing rebounded at G-Sibs in 2021
Trend reverses as bilateral settlement of OTC derivatives loses previous year’s gains
LCH explores crypto derivatives clearing
CCP mulls partnership with GFO-X for clearing of crypto index futures and options
LCH’s fixed income and IRS units hit by record margin breaches
Peak breaches in Q3 were £924 million and £698 million in size, respectively
Leaked EC clearing proposal leaves question mark over LCH
UK CCPs expected to secure equivalence, but “vague” active accounts mandate sparks fears
PTFs call for reform before Treasuries clearing mandate
Non-banks warn all-to-all trading relies on requiring dealers to accept ‘done away’ trades
BNP Paribas hires to boost US derivatives push
Clearing relationship managers and electronic trader hired from Citi, Morgan Stanley
BoE official signals tough stance on CCP skin in the game
Default waterfalls must include a second tranche of CCP capital, says Cunliffe
Market rejects EU attempts to isolate energy firms via Emir
Participants warn proposals would push up hedging costs for little systemic protection