Clearing members
Clearing members fear CFTC bending rules for crypto
Critics warn new framework for Bitnomial and LedgerX could undermine clearing integrity
US FCMs wrap up 2023 with required customer funds toeing record high
Wells Fargo, BNP Paribas marked new peaks in December
Council of the EU resists centralised clearing house supervision
Esma wants more powers, but member states will only agree to provide it with more information
Clearing members cheer plan for more transparency on CCP margin
European Parliament wants to amend Emir 3.0 draft to put extra obligations on clearing houses
Citi and JP Morgan vie to extend collateral optimisation to CCPs
High rates and increasing collateral requirements have ignited race for greater efficiency
IM surges at LCH following CDS users’ shift from ICEU
Figures for Q3 show 16% jump at Paris-based CDSClear
Bloating CCP default funds. New margin models. Are the two linked?
Dealers grumble that greater guaranty fund payments could undermine the ‘defaulter pays’ principle of clearing
Holes in the netting: the limits of CME-FICC cross-margin deal
Big margin savings for some, but more needed to ease pressure of UST clearing mandate
Clearing members sour further on cash for IM collateral
Sovereign bonds remain preferred choice at top CCPs in Q3
Concentration risk ticks up at large CCPs
Top five clearing members accounted for almost half IM and open positions in Q3
OCC default fund up 19% in Q3
Hypothetical stress losses behind latest spike in member contributions
Rule change cuts ECC default fund by over a third
Member contributions hit two-year low and may fall further
CME member contributions up 11%
Default fund for F&O clearing unit hits record size driving CCP’s skin-in-the game share to all-time low
CFTC sounds the alarm on clearing capacity
US regulator warns porting cannot be guaranteed in the event of a large member default
NSCC had top margin breach of $1.2bn in Q3
Margin shortfall is largest on record for the CCP and bucks wider trend across global clearing houses
Industry confused by EU’s ‘bingo card’ clearing rules
Uncertainty over definition of representative trades in Emir active account requirement
Clearing members combing rule books after LME lawsuit win
Industry debates whether other CCPs and exchanges would cancel trades if faced with similar crisis
Hard concentration: clearing members want clarity from CCPs
FCMs complain they struggle to pass opaque margin calculations through to end-clients
Buy side still prefers bilateral repo despite LCH margin update
New model will cut margin faster after stresses abate, but costs still high for directional trades
Margin failings raise concern over Treasury basis trade
Opaque models at clearing houses cast doubt on calculations for concentration add-on
Indian CCPs derecognition costs BNPP, Deutsche €6bn in RWAs
Esma’s decision forces re-weighting of local exposures by EU dealers
New UK clearing rules: same as the old rules?
Clearing experts doubt UK regulation can diverge significantly from Emir and global standards
FSB warned not to overfill its planned CCP resolution toolbox
Network contagion could make cash calls systemically risky, but TLAC also controversial
Industry fears backdoor thresholds in active accounts debate
Confidential papers suggest a compromise, but requirements seen as too ambiguous