Buy side
‘Improving’ Mifid post-trade transparency splits markets
Mooted changes to Europe’s transparency regime are dividing markets – largely along functional lines
Buy-side firms reject EMS brokerage charges
Some users favour licence fee over per-trade charging – and have forced vendors to switch
Risk Live playback: BlackRock’s Fishwick on buy-side risk
BlackRock’s co-head of risk discusses challenges facing firms today, including compliance and op risks
Initial margin – Special report 2020
Buy-side firms in advanced preparations for phases five and six of initial margin (IM) rules are eager to maintain momentum and put their efforts to the test now that implementation has been delayed by 12 months following disruptions related to the Covid…
Strategic preparation – The impact of the UMR phase five delay
Bruce Kellaway, global head of rates, securities and collateral at LCH, discusses the most likely instruments to be pushed into the cleared world as a result of phase five implementation, the tactics firms use to drive efficiency in exchange threshold…
Funds warm to Esma liquidity rules after Covid crisis
Funds are embracing stress-testing, and swing pricing, after “a real liquidity crisis” in March
Bond-CDS basis keeps investors interested
Difference between cash bond spreads and derivatives tightens but still offers value, dealers say
Bruised, not broken: execs say Libor switch on track despite Covid
Compressed timeline for transition may leave smaller firms struggling to meet end-2021 deadline
Libor webinar series – Liability-driven investment fund managers and investors
Nobody knows what will happen to Libor at the end of 2021, but the market has to be ready for anything – including the benchmark’s demise. This continues to be the message from regulators, despite the havoc caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The coming…
Studies test investors’ risk aversion after crash
Researchers use March tumult to investigate psychology of risk-taking
Esma’s move on hedge fund leverage worries industry
Critics say proposed guidelines rely on patchy data and inconsistent calculations
China bond buyers tiptoe through credit analysis minefield
State backing for domestic companies is hard to gauge, as new investors are discovering
Why credit risk managers need to see around corners
The Covid‑19 pandemic – and the subsequent extreme volatility – has exposed the fragility of long-established market and supply chain systems, affecting borrowers’ ability to repay debt. David Croen, global head of credit risk products at Bloomberg,…
Banks tout early roll dates for FX swaps as quarter-end looms
Asset managers open to more flexible hedging strategies since March turbulence, say dealers
BLTs and glitchy Wi-Fi: lockdown life for FX execs
With traders transacting trillions from their living rooms, currency markets are adapting to new normal
Andreas König’s crisis playbook meets Covid-19
Interview: Trading from home may be odd, but Amundi’s FX head was ready for other stresses
Experts find holes in funds’ argument for higher US VAR caps
Ex-SEC official says he would be “shocked” if agency raised proposed leverage limits on derivatives users
Inside March madness with Citi’s Tuchman
Interview: Trading rooms went virtual, central banks stepped up – but some platforms flopped
Investors trade the drama out of the crisis
How LGIM, Axa IM, Manulife and other buy-siders tackled the toughest markets since 2008
Simm may come with a side benefit – a common data standard
Buy-side firms using Acadiasoft for Simm calculations must adopt the ORE XML data format
Asia moves: Ex-Vanguard Asia chief joins CLSA, Man Group names equities head, and more
Latest job news across the industry
Volatile FX markets reveal pitfalls of RFQ
Clients urged to mask trading intent; critics warn of subtle sell-side advantages
Machine learning in fraud analytics to combat financial crime – Getting it right
Risk and compliance professionals gathered for a webinar in association with NICE Actimize to consider the challenges and opportunities of successfully harnessing artificial intelligence in the fight against financial criminals
Reshaping buy-side trading and risk
Video Q&A: Sean Carr, FactSet