Risk systems
Looking for blips on the radar
Turbo-charged models
Derivatives dealers get a substantial edge if they can model and price positions faster than their competitors. So system vendors are seeking to rev up the Monte Carlo simulation engines that power many of their analytics.
2002: the catch-up year for smaller players
Prime brokerage is famously dominated by a few leading participants who control the market. Sophie Radnor talks to the prime brokers who are hoping to win some market share in 2002.
Boom or bust?
In volatile markets, technology must enable managers to navigate these difficult conditions. Can the current systems feed the market?
The future of technology
Sophie Radnor speaks to Gavin Lavelle, president of Panorama at Sungard
Emerging markets ramp up
Asset and liability management systems sales continue to be strong in the US and Europe, thanks to Basel II preparations. But it is in the emerging markets that vendors say strong sales growth will come in 2002.
Software survey 2002 |
Some online risk management products failed to live up to expectations last year, but software vendors forge ahead, developing products that support fast-growing markets such as credit derivatives and CDOs, and tools to help banks meet Basel II…
Researching the insurance market
'Popularity be damned' says Boston Partners
Reading the signs
Cate Rocchi discusses the $60m Clarion Offshore Fund which has grown over 265% since launching in 1996
How far will the S&P500 drop?
Robert Fischer demonstrates how the Fibonacci trading method can predict the highs and lows of the markets
Profits taken by the truly hedged
Jeff Benjamin looks at the repercussions of the recent terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. He asks, how hard has the market been hit and how long is recovery likely to take?
Pro-cyclicality in the new Basel Accord
Could Basel II worsen recessions? By backtesting the proposed capital rules to the last recession, D. Wilson Ervin and Tom Wilde argue that the increased risk sensitivity of loan portfolio regulatory capital in the new Accord could have unwelcome…
Banking on progress
Is the grass greener?
Should a new hedge fund manager set up in or out of house?
A new lease of life
Hedge fund service providers looking to stay ahead in the marketplace are turning to corporate websites to communicate with their customers
Schroders Forges Its Op Risk Sword
Risk suppliers rise to Basel challenge
Risk management software suppliers will need to improve their products to meet the demands of Basel II.