Risk systems

DePfa implement complete Basel II compliant risk manager

DePfa Bank has completed the implementation of the Kamakura Risk Manager suite having purchased the license in late 2001. The system is the first to completely integrate credit risk, market risk, asset and liability risks and meets the needs of Basel II.

Insurers embrace risk systems

Insurance companies have been slower than banks to adopt advanced risk modelling techniques and technologies. But regulatory changes and business exigencies are spurring them to adopt a new generation of risk and capital management systems.

Insurers embrace risk systems

Insurance companies have been slower than banks to adopt advanced risk modelling techniques and technologies. But regulatory changes and business exigencies are spurring them to adopt a new generation of risk and capital management systems

Weaving an integrated solution

A treacherous credit environment and growing awareness of the danger of credit and market risk correlation have convinced financial institutions that they need to evaluate these exposures together. To get a unified view, will they need to adopt unified…

Weaving an integrated solution

A treacherous credit environment and growing awareness of the danger of credit and market risk correlation have convinced financial institutions that they need to evaluate these exposures together. To get a unified view, will they need to adopt unified…

Industry On Alert

A joint finance-technology-government effort to safeguard the market infrastructure has already resulted in a secret command center and preliminary guidelines for industry-wide best practices.

Job moves

QUOTE OF THE MONTH: - “It is likely that doubt and a lack of market confidence will affect all energy trading for some time to come” Francis Hervé, chief executive of EDF Trading, the London-based trading subsidiary of Electricité de France (EDF),…

Job moves

QUOTE OF THE MONTH: - “I have come to you with a problem – we need to outsource our balance-sheet funding” From an e-mail sent last year by John Rusnak to an unnamed counterparty, referring to his deep-in-the-money options trades, or ‘synthetic loans'.

Servicing the e-industry

Investing in IT infrastructure development is essential in today’s often fractured environment of rival software languages and specific trading needs. Clive Davidson discovers what is on offer to bring these disparate elements together

Job moves

QUOTE OF THE MONTH: - “Few regulators really understand derivatives... That’s not their fault, many of us don’t either” A London forex trader commenting on AIB’s $750 million loss. Source: The Mirror, February 7

Following the trends

John McGillian tells Jeff Benjamin about the best opportunities for hedge fund incubators ' in CTAs and macro hedge funds

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