Op risk benchmarking
Welcome to Op Risk Benchmarking, a new research service scrutinising op risk practices at a range of financial institutions. Each quarter, we’ll share some of the findings from one of four cohorts – G-Sibs, other banks, asset managers and insurers, and FMIs.
Participants get to see all the data – message us for details: ORMBenchmarking@risk.net
Public enemy number one: the threat to information security
Nearly half of domestic and regional banks report risk appetite breaches amid heightened sense of insecurity
Op Risk Benchmarking 2024: the banks
As threats grow and regulators bore down, focus shifts to the first line
Banks feel regulatory heat on op resilience
Op Risk Benchmarking: supervisors dial up reporting expectations and on-site inspections
Tired of fat-finger blunders, G-Sibs turn to robots for help
Big banks speed up shift towards control automation and AI adoption to counter costly human errors, Benchmarking survey finds
On geopolitical risk, G-Sibs choose their battles
Conflicts – both existing and threatened – raise concern among banks, but many are still grappling to weave the risk into their frameworks
Big Figure
Safety in numbers?
FMIs demonstrate broad variability in the size of the second-line teams tasked with overseeing infosec – but that’s starting from a relatively low base: many have teams comprising of just one specialist, while the mean average is slightly more than five.