
Skandia offers the insurance route

Global savings and insurance heavyweight, Skandia, has been distributing structured products in Sweden since 2005 when it launched two products with Skandiabanken as issuer. Since then the Swedish branch has gone on to use various other intermediaries…

Nordic markets warm to central clearing

Regulators across the globe are intent on forcing over-the-counter derivatives through central clearing. How are supervisors in the Nordic region responding, and could the relative lack of liquidity in domestic markets hamper their efforts? By…

Volatility capped access to funds

ING Bank is offering Swedish investors a product that has the classic benefits of allowing access to an unusual and potentially risky underlying while changing its return profile. The product is based on the East Capital Russia Fund, giving local…

Against the grain

Pension fund performance in 2008 was appalling, with funding levels plunging across the globe – but some schemes sidestepped a funding crisis by focusing on effective risk management.

Capinordic expansion

Capinordic Asset Management, part of the Denmark-based Capinordic Bank, is planning to launch a structured products distribution business in Sweden. Pierre Cooper talks to Johan Tjeder, the fund manager who has been brought in to help set up the operation

CROs respond to Swedish stress tests

Chief risk officers have given muted support to the recent stress-testing exercise by Swedish regulator Finansinspektionen to assess whether the country's largest banks have enough capital to survive future stresses.

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