Bank disruptors: how tech joint ventures help Nomura’s bottom line
Nomura is developing new software services to supplement trading profits
Bank disruptors: SocGen’s call to start-ups
Fintechs and ‘intrapreneurs’ are leading Societe Generale’s digital transformation
Haitong taps NLP to inform collateral coverage
Hong Kong broker scours news and blogs in bid for better corporate signals in China’s opaque markets
Bank disruptors: Barclays finds blockchain nirvana
USC could transform financial markets. But first, backers must prove it is secure
Esma trains beam on investment fund risks
Officials look to regulatory reporting for better grasp of fund leverage and liquidity
On eve of Brexit, PPF’s chief risk officer isn’t too worried
Stephen Wilcox talks about getting pensions paid without the benefit of controlling ‘UK Plc’
Ex-Credit Suisse quants embrace machine learning
Founders of XAI Asset Management grapple with unsupervised learning and the problems of explainability
Ready or not – a low-carbon economy is coming
Government and business must avert disorderly move away from fossil fuels, says Geneva Association’s Maryam Golnaraghi
A new leaf: why a hedge fund manager bought a bank
Andy Redleaf founded a $6 billion hedge fund. Now he runs a small community bank
Dark materials: how one academic is delving into data
David Hand shines a light on dark data and the dangers of distortion by absence
Intercept: AQR’s risk-catching machine
CRO Mike Patchen has helped build a system to identify risks before they grow or spread
Stock-picking finds unlikely champion in ex-Winton CIO
Matthew Beddall’s Havelock restyles value investing for the big data age
Tradeweb’s IPO shows how OTC markets are changing
RFQ pioneer is embracing new protocols and liquidity providers in a bid to connect the OTC markets
Eastspring seeks to nurture growth with better data
Data mapping key to asset manager’s plans as parent pivots to Asia
Keeping watch: EBA stress-testing head plans overhaul
Top-down approach, dynamic balance sheet and multiple shock scenarios all possible for 2022
The greening of Natixis’s balance sheet
Green weighting factor will be used to adjust the credit RWAs of loans
At bounding MarketAxess platform, a new CRO parses risk
Clarity and communication are basics to Oliver Huggins at one of the biggest US bond platforms
How Virtu trained its intelligent algos
Firm has sought to meld traders’ instincts with insights from ‘massive scale’ data
Some quant shops doomed to ‘struggle’ – López de Prado
Theory-first firms must modernise their methods or wither, says machine learning expert
Post-Woodford, State Street has an idea on liquidity risk
You’ve heard of the liquidity coverage ratio. Try the ‘redemption coverage ratio’ for funds
QMA’s Dyson: AI a ‘wonderful marketing concept’
Quant firm sceptical about using artificial intelligence to seek out tradable strategies
SGX’s Koh defends clearing methods post-Nasdaq
Existing tools still work, despite external scrutiny on default management, says risk chief
FSB’s Domanski cool on bail-in debt for clearing houses
Global standard-setter says all clearing participants must be incentivised to manage risk
GAM Systematic’s Ewan Kirk is sticking to his guns
Have markets changed? “They always do,” says quant fund CIO