ASX vs LCH in race to be Australia's OTC clearer
Home-town blues
Central clearing: safe as houses?
New regulations mandating the central clearing of OTC derivatives bring operational risks for central counterparties and increased exposure to systemic risk. In the second of a two-part series, ORR looks at the problems and opportunities for clearing…
Isda AGM: dealers, CCPs debate risks of lowering bar to entry
Weaker clearing members could be overstretched by a crisis, dealers warn - but LCH.Clearnet and CME differ on the risk of wider access
Sponsored statement: LCH.Clearnet
Tested model proves the clear choice in Europe and the US
Nasdaq OMX to launch Nordic swap CCP
Stockholm-based service already has Swedish debt office on board. Launch planned for second half of 2011
Dealer concern over proposed change to client margin segregation
Ice Trust estimates it might have to increase initial margin by 63% to cover risk.
Let CCPs compete, Isda conference told
Competing for business will not fatally undermine derivatives clearing – as long as the system is well regulated, speakers claim
Middleware at fault for Barclays clearing break
Middleware at fault for Barclays clearing break
LCH.Clearnet may offer 'lite' membership to sovereigns
Clearer's plans to create a special membership category for central banks and other sovereigns could undermine CCPs' risk-mutualisation model, rivals claim
Liquidity critical to OTC clearing, argue dealers
Regulators should consider liquidity when deciding which over-the-counter derivatives should be cleared, say market participants
Nordic markets warm to central clearing
Regulators across the globe are intent on forcing over-the-counter derivatives through central clearing. How are supervisors in the Nordic region responding, and could the relative lack of liquidity in domestic markets hamper their efforts? By…
Buy side steers clear of CCPs
Regulators have pushed hard to ensure buy-side firms are able to access central counterparties since the crisis began. But despite the launch of several new services, very few buy-side participants are actually using them. By Mark Pengelly
Dealers warn of risks of forced allocation in OTC clearing
Clearing houses could cause large losses for their members if they don't put limits on portfolio allocation, dealers think.
LCH.Clearnet CEO calls rival 'reckless' as Fannie, Freddie clearing battle heats up
Politicians love the idea of central clearing, but with competition for this new business increasing, so are concerns some venues might not be robust enough.
Clearing up
Roger Liddell, chief executive of LCH.Clearnet, talks to Alexander Campbell
Banks move towards clearing for FX, interest rate and equity
A large part of the over-the-counter derivatives market will shift towards central clearing houses by next year, as the collapse of Lehman Brothers on September 15 forces banks to reassess counterparty risk posed by other dealers.
LCH’s SwapClear signs up new members
The London Clearing House (LCH) has signed up JP Morgan Chase, ABN Amro and Commerzbank Securities as new members for SwapsClear, its interbank interest rate swap trading service.