Lifetime achievement award: Lance Uggla
Risk awards 2012
Clearing house of the year: LCH.Clearnet
Risk awards 2012
How the CCP location debate helped split the EU
Location, location, location
Conservatives take CCPs to heart after UK/EU split
David Cameron's demand for the UK to be exempt from an ECB policy on clearing houses helped prompt last month's split with the EU - and is earning applause from eurosceptic Conservatives
Review of 2011: collateral, capital and chaos
Collateral, capital and chaos
JSCC still keen on CCP interoperability
A plea for CCPs
Change to Japan clearing mandate ends LCH-JSCC talks
A decision to limit the scope of Japan's clearing mandate has torpedoed months of partnership talks between LCH.Clearnet and the Japan Securities Clearing Corporation
MF Global collapse should prompt rethink of CFTC rule on CCP membership, say dealers
The bankruptcy of MF Global should prompt the CFTC to reconsider the $50 million cap on minimum capital requirements set by CCPs on clearing members, say bankers
People: Apra's Wayne Byres named to Basel role
Basel Committee appoints Australian regulator
Margin minutiae at issue in Jefferies v IDCG suit
Mire in margin minutiae
Block trade allocations: FCMs and CCPs prepare for new regime
Block around the clock
Standard CSA: Industry's solution to novation bottleneck gets nearer
New CSA, new challenge
CCP contest starting to heat up
Give CCPs a chance
Margin models converge as CCPs battle for dealer support
Dealers say they won’t join clearing houses that are not robust – and have already blackballed one central counterparty. As a result, the initial margin methodologies employed by the big rates clearers have begun to converge. Matt Cameron reports
Risk.net poll – UK Treasury is right over ECB lawsuit
Respondents to a Risk.net poll support the UK Treasury’s decision to sue the ECB over its proposal to require CCPs clearing euro-denominated contracts to be legally incorporated in the eurozone
CCP interoperability not achievable in near term, say clearers
CCP interoperability will not resolve fragmentation in the OTC markets, say panellists at Isda Europe conference in London
ECB policy would shatter big CCPs, critics warn
Plans to have CCPs based in the jurisdiction of the currency they clear would pull apart multi-currency services, experts warn, after UK Treasury challenges ECB
SFOA conference: Eurex supports central bank access for CCPs
Derivatives clearing houses should be able to rely on central bank liquidity support, says Eurex exec at SFOA annual conference
SwapClear may assist OIS development
SwapClear may assist OIS development
Standard CSA: Industry's solution to novation bottleneck gets nearer
New CSA, new challenge
LCH to become more commercially driven, says Axe
Commercially driven
The push to a new CSA standard
Disputes over the valuation of trades backed by multi-currency credit support annex (CSA) agreements – in other words, those that allow counterparties to post collateral in multiple currencies and assets – has pushed the industry to develop a new…
Risk waterfall at CME, Ice makes porting harder, dealers say
The need to provide portability could pressure CCPs to lean more heavily on initial margin than default funds to absorb losses