On resilience risk, banks prepare to let the bad times roll
Lenders bolster first-line teams and upskill boards as compliance with new rules bites
Public enemy number one: the threat to information security
Nearly half of domestic and regional banks report risk appetite breaches amid heightened sense of insecurity
Op Risk Benchmarking 2024: the banks
As threats grow and regulators bore down, focus shifts to the first line
Banks feel regulatory heat on op resilience
Op Risk Benchmarking: supervisors dial up reporting expectations and on-site inspections
Barking bank watchdogs don’t need to bite
Regional banks add staff, layer up controls to mitigate compliance risks
Execution & process errors: banks try to get beyond blunderdome
Mistakes mean more data for reporting, models and scenarios. But do banks learn from them?
Up to their necks in it: banks wrestle with change management
Banks recognise risks in transformation, but struggle to measure them
On cyber risk, regionals have no appetite for disruption
Smaller lenders fear outages and other IT bungles, as do regulators. So, what are they doing about it?
Maximum insecurity: banks tool up to meet cyber threat
Lenders confront “existential” threat of data leaks with bigger teams and better controls
Op Risk Benchmarking, round II: helping lenders borrow
From KRIs to four-eye checks, how do op risk frameworks at regional and domestic banks stack up?
New threats, old foibles prompt banks to switch GRC vendors
Op Risk Benchmarking: more than half of participants are reviewing or switching systems