Central banks

Revitalising the markets

Governments are facing unprecedented pressure to finance bank rescue schemes through huge debt issuance. With supply coming thick and fast, the UK Debt Management Office (DMO) has been steering a hazardous path to place its debt into the markets. Until…

Column: Charles Cronin

Flawed models, conflicts of interest, ineffectual leadership: the rating agencies have emerged from the financial crisis with little credit, and reform may strip them further of their influence

Inflated expectations

It may seem counterintuitive, given these deflationary times, but inflation-linked fixed income strategies are proving a hit with investors as fiscal stimulus raises the threat that inflation will take over in the medium term. William Rhode reports

Financial pricing for the 21st century

Putting a price on assets for which no active market exists is a process mired in complexity and no little controversy. But the pricing models of yesteryear are simply not up to the job. David Patrikarakos looks at the new generation of valuation models…

Product performance

Two products common to the UK market and one that is well-known in the US - all three with the same strike date - are the subject of this month's comparisons

Fed divulges process behind bank stress tests

The US Federal Reserve has released details of the methodology behind its Supervisory Capital Assessment Programme (SCAP), the recently concluded stress tests conducted by regulators to ascertain whether additional capital replenishment is needed at the…

Investec rolls out eighth tranche of products

Investec has rolled out the latest versions of its product range, continuing a successful run among UK investors. The launch includes a new capital guaranteed offering structured around a deposit which pays income linked to the performance of the FTSE…

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