Central banks
Industry opposes mandatory clearing
Compulsory central clearing is not a one-stop solution to the problems of the derivatives markets, and could end up crippling the industry, warned speakers at an industry event in London on Tuesday.
Risk Europe : ECB board member warns central banks against over-reaching on risk
As the European Central Bank announced a new programme to purchase up to €60 billion of euro-denominated covered bonds, ECB board member Jose Gonzalez-Paramo said central banks should not be taking on credit risk, in a keynote address at the Risk Europe…
OMG commits to new clearing and reporting targets
The Operations Management Group (OMG) on June 2 outlined its latest targets to improve the operational infrastructure of the over-the-counter derivatives industry.
Steering solvency
Regulator Q&A
Product performance
Product performance
Strength from swaps
Asian nations are becoming increasingly assertive in co-ordinating financial stability efforts in the Asia Pacific, notably via a raft of new swap agreements between the region's largest economies. Are these efforts having the desired impact? Christopher…
Sheikh Yamani: Saudi Arabia unlikely to embrace oil futures
In an interview this week, former Saudi oil minister Sheikh Yamani told Energy Risk that futures trading on exchanges had turned the global crude oil market into a "casino".
EU overhaul of financial supervision raises questions
Ambitious plans laid out by the European Commission to revamp the supervisory framework of the European financial markets have raised concerns about the possible implications of creating new supervisory bodies.
Remuneration revisited
Daily news headlines
Why the regional Federal Reserve banks are up in arms
A number of presidents of regional Federal Reserve banks and senior staff have recently expressed dissent from the official line taken by the US authorities in managing the banking crisis.
US municipal market faces clean-up under new rules
The municipal bond market in the US is still largely in a state of disarray, well over a year after the collapse of the auction rate securities (ARS) sector, though signs of recovery are visible in the fixed-rated debt market, congressmen have heard.
OTC trade repository plan faces hurdles
Financial authorities in the US and Europe have advocated the introduction of a central trade repository to gather data on the over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives market, but there is concern that multiple repositories could do more harm than good.
BIS shows first OTC derivatives market decline
The total outstanding notional of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives contracts fell 13.4% to $592 trillion at the end of December 2008, from $683.7 trillion at the end of June 2008, according to statistics released by the Bank for International…
The ups and downs of the Japanese yen
Asia Risk FX Review & Outlook 2009 - Sponsored statement
Uncertain futures
Asia Risk FX Review & Outlook 2009 - India
After the dust settles
Asia Risk FX Review & Outlook 2009 - Settlement risk
Still shackled
Asia Risk FX Review & Outlook 2009 - Currency controls
Fit for forex
Asia Risk FX Review & Outlook 2009 - Trading systems
Blossoming interest
Asia Risk FX Review & Outlook 2009 - Cover story
Speculating on suitability
Asia Risk FX Review & Outlook 2009 - SMEs
Geithner calls for law change to force OTC derivatives clearing
The US Treasury called upon Congress yesterday to amend the Commodities Exchange Act (CEA) to compel the "clearing of all standardised over-the-counter derivatives through regulated central counterparties".
UK inflation will stay low for some time, BoE says
UK inflation will drop below the Bank of England's (BoE) 2% target later this year and remain there "for the medium term", the central bank said in its quarterly inflation report, published today.