take it to the city
Tailor-made money makers
Bespoke products
Strong euro likely to determine where the best opportunities lie
European long/short
Managers' concern for distressed sees them acquire more merger
Shortage of debt opportunity has caused managers to look to equity and M&A
Dynamically self-propelled capital gains
The Ballistic Long/Short Emerging Equities Fund has achieved impressive returns in recent years. Its manager, David Murrin, shares some of the secrets of his success
play to your strengths
Business profile
Seek and ye shall find...
Opportunities abound for the selective stock picker
UK long/short
Standing out from the crowd
Hugh Hendry has achieved great success at Odey Asset Management by applying his own personality to the firm's Eclectica Fund - and by not following the crowd
Spreading the net: in search of the best fund managers
RMB International's Global Spread Capture Fund, a fund of hedge funds, has added value by taking significant decisions about which market to be in at particular times.
Making thesystem workfor you
Zbigniew Hermaszewski,co-founder of AltisPartners, explains thestrategy of the firm'sglobal futures portfolio
European funds bounce back
The trends revealed by our survey last month seem now to be reversing as managers observe better opportunity in European long/short than in Asia and emerging markets
Sophisticated yet simple
Portable alpha and beta for long/short equity managers
Portable strategies
move with the times
Paul Dunning has brought a wealth of high-level experience to what is now HSBC Republic Investments and, having seen first-hand how institutional attitudes have changed towards hedge funds, shares his view of the future
Portable alphaand beta forlong/shortequity manager
Portable strategies
funds look east as euro rises
As the global economy strengthens, Hedge Funds Review's survey of fund managers suggests they are switching European long/short for similar strategies in Asia and the US
on target
going for brokers
Stock loan