
Coping with setbacks

Most risk managers and employees in energy companies are familiar with the concepts of market risk and credit risk, but operational risk is receiving more attention in corporate boardrooms these days, writes Sandy Fielden

Back to Basics

We take you back to the credit basics to review everything you thought you already knew but were too afraid to ask... Karl Wyborn, head of derivatives collateral management sales at JPMorgan in London, runs through the A to Z of collateral management

A comeback for coal

With gas prices soaring, it seems inevitable that coal - the Cinderella of energy resources - is bound to return to the forefront. But how long will it last? asks Eric Fishnaut

Back to basics

We take you back to the credit basics to review everything you thought you already knew but were too afraid to ask ... Erwan Curien, head of the quantitative team at technology vendor Sophis, explains how credit default swaptions work

What drives natural gas?

Natural gas prices in the US are at an all-time high. The Gulf Coast hurricanes and record summer heat have taken their toll, and business is feeling the effect. Studying and applying seasonality can often protect aganst the volatility of these markets,…

Congestion charges

As the US' premier regional transmission organisation, PJM Interconnection's pricing and transmission congestion models must be foolproof. Sandy Fielden describes how they work and the associated risk management mechanisms available to participants

Seasonal surprises

Understanding how price relationships fluctuate on a seasonal basis is critical for risk managers. During 2005, two of the longest lasting seasonal patterns in the US oil markets have been turned on their heads. Sandy Fielden explains the patterns and…

Making an impact

It can affect as much as 20% of the US economy, and nearly every industry worldwide is affected by it. But blaming poor results on the weather is no longer an excuse: weather derivatives are on the rise. Eric Fishhaut reports from Chicago on the growth…

Banking on tankers

Logical Information Machines’ Sandy Fielden provides an analyst’s perspective of new opportunities for freight risk management with a specific focus on the crude (dirty) tanker trade from the Caribbean to the US Gulf

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