
Back to basics

We take you back to the credit basics to review everything you thought you already knew but were too afraid to ask ..

Market snapshot

Tim Mortimer of Future Value Consultants looks at the pricing issues for structured products in different markets and provides his trade of the month

Valuing CDOs of ABSs

Charles Smithson and Neil Pearson discuss the valuation of collateralised debt obligations (CDOs). Following on from their December 2007 article, which focused on CDOs referenced to corporate credits, the authors turn their attention to CDOs of asset…

Currency correlations

The US dollar has undergone a 40% decline against theeuro over the past seven years. At the same time, crude oilprices have risen over 350%, and were up 57% in 2007. Theimpact of currency on the world energy markets, and whetherthere is cause or effect…

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