Technical paper/Systemic risk
The centrally cleared interest rate derivatives market: how are clients changing the risk perspective?
This paper analyzes counterparty relationships within both direct (house) and client clearing in the interest rate derivatives market in the European Union.
Systemic risk in the financial system: capital shortfalls under Brexit, the US elections and the Italian referendum
This paper uses SRISK to quantify the estimated capital shortfalls of financial institutions under three relevant stress events that occurred in 2016: Brexit, the Trump election and the Italian referendum.
Harmonic distances, centralities and systemic stability in heterogeneous interbank networks
This paper investigates the effects of contagion in interbank-lending networks, with a special focus on the theoretical grounding of centrality measures.
Operational risk: a forgotten case study
This paper is a historical case study of the GAS scandal and is the first to analyze it from the perspective of operational risk.
The CoCVaR approach: systemic risk contribution measurement
In this paper, the authors propose a measure for systemic risk, CoCVaR, the conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) of the financial system conditional on an institution being in financial distress.
Monitoring transmission of systemic risk: application of partial least squares structural equation modeling in financial stress testing
This paper illustrates how the transmission of systemic risk from shadow banking to the regulated banking sector can be modeled using partial least squares structural equation modeling in an effort to help regulators better monitor and manage contagion.
Identifying complex core–periphery structures in the interbank market
This paper proposes a framework to identify the structure of a financial network and its evolution over time, and presents an application to an interbank market with complete actual data.
Systemic risk management in financial networks with credit default swaps
In this paper the authors study insolvency cascades in an interbank system, in which banks are permitted to insure their loans with credit default swaps sold by other banks.
Behavioral risks at the systemic level
By comparing the Libor and FX benchmark manipulation scandals, this paper describes how misbehavior emerged independently in both of these markets and the conditions that permitted the misconduct to survive and thrive.
How the interbank market becomes systemically dangerous: an agent-based network model of financial distress propagation
In this paper, the authors study the stability of the interbank market to exogenous shocks using an agent-based network framework.
Standardized measurement approach: is comparability attainable?
This paper considers the claim of improved comparability of SMA outcomes by considering the ability to compare “internal loss experience” between banks.
Asset correlations and procyclical impact
The authors examine the behavior of asset correlations for companies in Taiwan under the Basel Accord’s asymptotic single-risk-factor approach.
Systemic risks in CCP networks
Barker, Dickinson, Lipton and Virmani propose a credit and liquidity risk model for CCPs
Interbank network and regulation policies: an analysis through agent-based simulations with adaptive learning
The authors develop an agent-based model to study the impact of a broad range of regulation policies on the banking system.
NetMES: a network based marginal expected shortfall measure
This paper aims to build novel measures of systemic risk that take the multivariate nature of the problem into account by means of network models.
The econometrics of Bayesian graphical models: a review with financial application
This paper provides a review of graphical modeling and describes potential applications in econometrics and finance.
Using Shapley’s asymmetric power index to measure banks’ contributions to systemic risk
The authors address the problem of how to capture the contributions of bank failures to systemic risk.
A network-based method for visual identification of systemic risks
This paper introduces the topic of network visualization to the journal by proposing the use of a combination of data reduction techniques and overlays that allow detection of large-scale patterns and outlier activity.
Network centrality, failure prediction and systemic risk
This paper offers a promising new avenue of investigation into how information on firms’ interconnectivity can improve existing credit models.
Interoperability between central counterparties
The authors investigate interoperability from the perspective of the multilateral netting property of central clearing.
Modeling operational risk capital: the inconvenient truth
This paper shows that it is an "inconvenient truth" that the largest losses by banks are not firm specific.
Nonnegative risk components
This paper proposes two methods for attributing the risk of a portfolio or system to its components.