Technical paper/Energy markets
The Nordic/Baltic spot electric power system price: univariate nonlinear impulse-response analysis
This paper studies the characteristics of the conditional mean and volatility of daily price movements of the system price for the Nordic/Baltic one-day-ahead spot electric power market.
Takeover likelihood in the oil and gas industry: firm-, macro- or industry-specific causes?
In this study, the authors investigate drivers of merger activity in the oil and gas sector and seek to ascertain how key determinants influence the takeover likelihood of oil and gas companies.
The impact of unconventional monetary policy shocks on the crude oil futures market
This paper examines how West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil price returns and volatilities respond to changes in US monetary policy.
Optimal intraday power trading with a Gaussian additive process
This paper studies the problem of a financial agent wishing to maximize a constant relative risk-aversion expected utility of their terminal wealth while operating in an ID market.
Risk and abnormal returns in markets for congestion revenue rights
This paper develops a novel methodology for estimating the systematic risk of individual financial transmission rights and detecting the presence of abnormal returns among these financial instruments.
Stochastic modeling of photovoltaic power generation and electricity prices
This paper proposes a stochastic model for the maximal production of PV power on a daily basis, based on data from three transmission system operators in Germany.
Optimal management of green certificates in the Swedish–Norwegian market
This paper proposes and investigates a valuation model for the income of selling tradeable green certificates in the Swedish–Norwegian market, formulated as a singular stochastic control problem.
Managing energy market volumetric risk
Krzysztof Wolyniec presents a volumetric risk management model for energy markets
Modeling energy spreads with a generalized novel mean-reverting stochastic process
In this paper, the authors investigate the new mean-reverting RW and its continuous-time limit, introduced by Moosavi and Davison (2016).