Value-at-risk (VAR)
The misdirected directive?
Germany's financial regulator, BaFin, tried to steal a march on its European rivals by implementing a new directive that should open the door to asset managers investing in new products and using over-the-counter derivatives. But did it get it wrong?
Estimating economic capital allocations for market and credit risk
Value-at-Risk (VAR) measures often are used as a basis for setting so-called"economic capital" or buffer stock measures of equity capitalization requirements.VAR measures do not account for the time value of money or theequilibrium required return…
VAR: ready to explode?
The SEC plans to force US securities firms to tighten up their value-at-risk reporting. Its decision comes as VAR at the world’s leading financial services firms soared an average 25.8% last year. Who are the biggest risk-takers, and are risk managers…
TCV market risk system upgrade prepares for credit risk and Basel II
Treasury Corporation of Victoria (TCV), the central financing authority of the State of Victoria in Australia, has implemented a system to improve its market risk management, which it plans to extend to cover credit risk and that should help it meet…
Building scenarios
Kenji Fujii of UFJ Holdings looks at the benefits of using scenario analysis as a means of managing operational risk, and discusses UFJ Bank's scenario-based advanced measurement approach.
Sensible and efficient capital allocation for credit portfolios
Michael Kalkbrener, Hans Lotter and Ludger Overbeck construct a new approach to economiccapital allocation, showing that three axioms uniquely determine a capital allocation scheme,and, more importantly, that any allocation satisfying the axioms is…
Sponsor's article > Credit risk catches up
When Basel II was first proposed in 1999, credit risk models lagged way behind market risk models. But that's changed, which means we need less prescriptive rules for determining credit risk capital.
Understanding the expected loss debate
The final draft of the new global Accord on bank regulatory capital – Basel II – has been delayed. A critical and unresolved issue is whether banks should include expected losses in their measure of credit risk. The IMF's Paul Kupiec reports on efforts…
Countdown to Basel II
With Basel II set for implementation in three years' time, some banks in the Asia Pacific region are working hard to align their operational risk systems with the requirements outlined in the new Accord.
Using the grouped t-copula
Student-t copula models are popular, but can be over-simplistic when used to describe credit portfolios where the risk factors are numerous or dissimilar. Here, Stéphane Daul, Enrico De Giorgi, Filip Lindskog and Alexander McNeil construct a new,…
Operational and market risks of a regulated power utility
Victor Dvortsov and Ken Dragoon present an analytical method for including market and operational risks when estimating utility portfolio value-at-risk.
Operational and market risks of a regulated power utility
Victor Dvortsov and Ken Dragoon present an analytical method for including market and operational risks when estimating utility portfolio value-at-risk
Getting it together
Data consolidation is now a vital foundation to any successful risk management implementation, as Dave Rose and Stuart Cook of The Structure Group report
VAR: history or simulation?
Greg Lambadiaris, Louiza Papadopoulou, George Skiadopoulos and Yiannis Zoulis assess the performance of historical and Monte Carlo simulation in calculating VAR, using data from the Greek stock and bond market. They find that while historical simulation…
Crossing the frontier
Portfolio risk management
VAR for fund managers
Investment management
Correlation stress testing for value-at-risk
The correlation matrix is of vital importance for value-at-risk (VAR) modelsin the financial industry. Risk managers are often interested in stressing a subsetof market factors within large-scale risk systems containing hundreds ofmarket variables…
Evaluating credit risk models using loss density forecasts
The evaluation of credit portfolio risk models is an important issue for both banks and regulators. It is impeded by the scarcity of credit events, long forecasthorizons, and data limitations. To make efficient use of available information, the…