
Collateral replacement

At the height of the financial crisis, manufacturers were quick to mitigate mounting counterparty risk concerns by deploying products issued by collateralised special purpose vehicles. But now, as the yield junkies return and retail appetite for…

Fixed returns?

Banks have reported huge profits this year in fixed income, with swaps desks benefiting from flows off the back of sovereign and corporate debt issuance. Exotic desks, in contrast, have seen a substantial decline in investor interest. Peter Madigan…

Smiling at convexity

The price of a constant maturity swap (CMS)-based derivative is largely determined by the value of swaption volatilities at extreme strikes. Fabio Mercurio and Andrea Pallavicini propose a simple procedure for stripping consistently implied volatilities…

Replication of flexi-swaps

Ingmar Evers and Farshid Jamshidian describe a relatively new product known as a flexi-swap and discuss its application in securitisation. A flexi-swap gives a counterparty an option to amortise the interest rate swap at an accelerated pace. They show…

Rio quits Commerzbank to head Swapstream

Swapstream, a medium- and long-term interest rate swaps trading platform, has appointed Stéphane Rio as chief executive. Rio was previously head of rates trading at Commerzbank for five years, and replaces Marcus Grubb, who left Swapstream in early July…

Swap vega in BGM: pitfalls and alternatives

Raoul Pietersz and Antoon PelsserPractitioners who are developing the Libor BGM model for risk management of a swap-based interest rate derivative be warned: for certain volatility functions the estimate of swap vega may be poor. This may occur for time…

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