Structured products
WHAT IS THIS? Structured products are investments that have multiple components. For retail investors, the most common form is a bond plus an option – these tend to be standardised, sold in small tickets and large volumes. Managing the risks of large structured products portfolios is one of the biggest challenges dealers face.
KID Roundtable
The European Union plans to introduce the Key Information Document, a shortform document that will make investing in structured products easier. Richard Jory talks to structured products professionals about the form for the initiative
Structured Products Americas: More mis-selling fines to follow, Finra warns
The US industry's own regulator says its mis-selling investigation may lead to more fines for US companies.
Structured Products Americas: Lat-Am structured products "set for boom"
The European debt crisis is making Latin America look relatively attractive, one regional trader says.
Americas Awards
Structured Products Americas Awards 2010
RMBS defaults still a worry for structured finance investors
Despite talk of economic recovery, structured finance investors in the US and Europe remain concerned about defaults and losses on RMBS deals, according to S&P research.
OTC shake-up likely as regulators mull centralised clearing
US legislators are pressing for reforms that will lead to a big shake-up in how over-the-counter derivatives are bought and sold. The question is how this will affect the structured notes market. John Ferry reports
Structurers plead with Hong Kong SFC to retain ‘safe harbour’ rules
Providers of structured products fear a collapse in private placement volumes and a shift of business to Singapore following a proposal from Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission to remove rules that ease offering requirements. Georgina Lee…
Trade of the month: fees, profit and risk in structured products
The success of any structured product issued in the retail market is partly determined by the fee structure, in which fees are generally taken in three ways – first in the commission level paid to the broker or adviser, second in the the fee charged by…