Special purpose vehicle (SPV)
Back to repack
Despite the flak off-balance-sheet vehicles have received since the onset of the financial crisis, dealers report increased use of special-purpose vehicles by investors looking to repackage assets. Why are investors looking to these repackaging vehicles…
The KIS of life?
Keydata Investment Services was placed into a speedy administration by the UK's Financial Services Authority on June 8 on the grounds of insolvency. All new business was suspended and a temporary suspension of payments on policies was imposed by the UK…
Getting off track
Off-balance-sheet vehicles
A catastrophe waiting to happen?
As climate change and geopolitical uncertainty ratchet up the risk of a single, catastrophic event, insurers are turning to catastrophe bonds to offset that risk.
A capital solution
Securitisation appears to offer clear regulatory capital benefits to owners of life insurance companies. Will other European banks follow Barclays' lead?
SPV Ruling: Counting the cost
The recent crop of high-profile accountancy scandals has forced the US accounting regulator to clamp down on the 'creative' use of special purpose vehicles to shift liabilities off balance sheet. Saskia Scholtes investigates the ramifications for firms…
Structured finance caught off-balance
Efforts by energy and finance professionals to stress the difference between legitimate off-balance-sheet entities and Enron’s opaque devices have had little impact, as US regulators rush to clean up structured finance. Maria Kielmas reports