Sovereign debt
Eurozone break-up fears persist despite EU bailouts
Risk of debtor-nation
Political risk on the rise for bondholders
The political will
Senior financial debt holders on alert for forced haircuts
Haircut horrors
Risk managers search for eurozone defences
Danger zone
'Poor disclosure' by banks hampering bond investors: Diana Monteith profile
Profile: Diana Monteith
The power of defunct economists
The power of defunct economists
Corporate bonds - safer than sovereigns?
The new safe haven
EFSF's Frankel: guarantees are "enough for the time being"
European leaders endorse EFSF model, as facility gears up for debut issuance of up to €5 billion
Ireland's bailout has left investors unconvinced
Losing belief in bailouts
Ireland crisis ratchets up fears of further peripheral Eurozone woes
Contagion spreads: The Ireland effect
France public debt levels start to make credit investors twitchy
Is France losing its pluck?
Sovereign bond of the year – Kingdom of Spain
Sovereign bond of the year – Kingdom of Spain
Review of 2010
Crisis? Oh, that crisis...
Merkel's EU bailout plan threatens Basel’s sovereign zero risk weights
Discussions are already under way behind closed doors, knock-on effects for bank capital could be substantial
Irish bailout fails to restore faith in PIIGS debt
CDS spreads on peripheral eurozone debt widen despite €90 billion in aid
Central banker Honohan expects IMF loan for Ireland
Trinity College's Lucey adds, "Thank God we have an honest central bank governor. He's the first official to call it as he sees it."
Sri Lanka bond cheers emerging market investors
Deals in Focus: Sri Lanka
Global economic slowdown raises risk of protectionism
The rise of protectionism
Banking crisis in Ireland heightens fears of sovereign default
When the luck of the Irish ran out...
Pfandbrief market benefits from resilience of German sovereign
A German exemplar
Historic gilt lows reflect improved debt outlook, but growth fears remain
New lows in gilt yields following last week's spending review have been seen by some analysts as a vote of confidence in the UK government's austerity plans. Other observers, however, say they reflect something else entirely.