Sovereign bonds
European insurers exposure to problem sovereigns 'manageable'
European insurers exposure to problem sovereigns 'manageable'
LCR should include equity, says ACP’s Nouy
Basel III liquidity coverage ratio should admit equities with significant haircuts, says Danièle Nouy at the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel
Restructurings may offer a solution to eurozone debt woes, says John Redwood
MP and chairman of the investment committee at Evercore Pan-Asset says bondholders must reconcile themselves to taking losses in any restructuring plan for Greece and other troubled peripherals
Italy is real eurozone endgame, says top credit quant
Eurozone can finance a Spanish bail-out, but an Italian default is the real test of common currency’s survival, says NYU's Edward Altman
Investors debate the future of Australian debt markets
Debt prospecting down-under
Senegal $500m 10-year bond spread tightening shows appeal of Africa debt
Yield on new 2021 Senegal bond tightens over 100bp after issue; investors suggest there is room for further tightening
Investors more pessimistic on global growth, according to BAML fund manager survey
Investors' expectations of global growth have dipped, according to a Bank of America Merrill Lynch survey of fund managers
Bondholder haircuts back on the agenda as Greece nears default
Despite previous announcements by European authorities that haircuts would not be imposed on investors in restructurings involving Eurozone sovereigns and banks before 2013, with each passing month that promise seems unlikely to be kept
Greek budget cuts raise default concerns
Markets prepare for the worst as Athens unveils new tougher austerity measures; IMF managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn says cuts are necessary
Risk Europe: S&P slammed for linking Greece, Portugal downgrades to ESM
Eurozone bail-out vehicle doesn't hurt existing bondholders, EC official argues
Risk Europe: 'Humble' Basel Committee open to liquidity rule changes
The Basel Committee's Stefan Walter says door is open to changing LCR and NSFR - but it's not open wide
Sovereign risk weights under threat
Weight gain
Triple threat to sovereign default-risk-free status
European policymakers and regulators are considering dramatic changes to the capital treatment for government bonds
Thai linker issue pushed back to end of June
Mandate may be awarded to mix of foreign and local banks, PDMO official says
Yen interbank funding market calm as government bond yields retrace
The reduced scale of hedge fund carry trade activities compared with previous crises such as the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008 has reined in potential increases in the yen libor rate and short-end JGBs.
Moody’s Portugal downgrade sparks further speculation of bailout
Moody’s cuts Portugal’s credit rating by two notches to A3 on weaker growth prospects; analyst says bailout expected in coming months
ECB’s Bini Smaghi proposes single eurozone bond issuing agency
European Central Bank executive board member Lorenzo Bini Smaghi backs proposals for single eurozone government bond issuer; says agency could pave the way for a single European bond
Relative value opportunities remain in Europe’s periphery, says BlackRock’s Krautzberger
March is crunch time for peripheral Europe, but region offers relative value trades, says co-head of European fixed income at BlackRock.
Rate me up, before you go-go: Caveat Lector column
Rate me up, before you go-go
Bank amends collateral rules for sovereign debt
Revisions adjust ‘narrow’ and ‘wide’ bands for eligible collateral; change is for liquidity reasons
Credit traders count cost of Xover versus long financials unwind
Trading talk: February 2011
Euro peripherals mull exchange deals: Gary Jenkins column
Chop and exchange
Markit offers exposure to emerging markets sovereign debt
Markit offers exposure to emerging markets sovereign debt
European government borrowing to 9.2% decline in 2011, says Fitch
A new report from Fitch Ratings suggests Europe's public finances are on the mend, reducing pressure to borrow in 2011