Basel II securitisation paper delayed
BASEL - The planned paper on asset securitisation in the context of the Basel II bank accord will not be published today as hoped, but is likely to be issued some time next week, global banking regulators said.
Key Basel II package expected tomorrow
BASEL – Global banking regulators plan to issue a package of documents on the Basel II bank accord tomorrow, including a key survey seeking information on how the complex, risk-based accord might affect banks around the world.
Banks advised to make Basel II views known in QIS 3
LONDON - Banks would be wise to make their views on the complex Basel II bank capital accord known via the key QIS 3 survey that’s due out on October 1, the UK’s chief financial regulator said today.
Credit risk measurement of securitisation structures
Peter-Paul Hoogbruin, Harmenjan Sijtsma and Viktor Tchistiakov of ING Group Credit Risk Management present a framework for valuing securitisation tranches from an investor’s perspective.
Basel experts agree asset securitisation treatment
LONDON – Global banking experts have agreed proposals for treating the credit risks for banks of asset securitisation under the complex Basel II capital accord.
Experts expect to finalise Basel II securitisation issues this week
LONDON – Technical experts expect this week to finalise their proposals for handling the one major issue still outstanding in the complex Basel II accord aimed at making the world’s banking system safer – the technically thorny question of how to treat…
French securitisation ruling likely to be delayed further
The French banking regulator ruling to change the capital risk weighting system on securitisations continues to cause confusion, with market commentators stating that a final decision may be delayed until September.
Basel II focus switches to securitisation after SME loan solution agreed
Experts working on the Basel II bank capital rules are focusing on the technically difficult issue of asset securitisation after agreeing a solution this month to the politically sensitive problem of how lending to small and medium-sized enterprises …
Credit risk in asset securitisations: an analytical model
How much capital should banks reserve against investments in portfolio securitisations? Asserting that recent proposals on this subject by Basel are inconsistent, Michael Pykhtin and Ashish Dev propose a new analytical model suitable for tranches of…