S&P 500
Correlation dislocation
Macro hedging in disrepair
Review: Duggan goes short government bonds
Bearish on bonds
Tax uncertainty in the run-up to the US elections is bad news for structured products
As pre-election battles focus on the Bush administration's tax cuts and other economic issues, uncertainty regarding future tax levels is persuading many investors to remain in cash.
US market split between emerging and developed equities
The latest structured products released in the US public market include a divergence of exposures, split between reverse convertibles and accelerated growth. Underlyings are dominated by US and emerging equities.
Correlation and kick-outs
Correlation and kick-outs
ETF Roundup: More for Amundi in Germany
ETF Roundup: More for Amundi in Germany
US wrap: HSBC focuses on single emerging market exposure
As issuance volumes increase, HSBC products offer access to Chinese and Brazilian equities.
US wrap: Investors seek safety in domestic indexes
As the US market continues to face uncertainty, the safety of domestic equities is proving attractive to investors
Flash crash lessons learned: Interview with Bannert-Thurner
Now that the dust has settled after the extraordinary May 6 ‘Flash Crash’, Victor Anderson catches up with FTEN’s Valerie Bannert-Thurner to discuss how technology can help guard against future crises
Simple payoffs and short terms remain popular as investors play it safe
Incapital, Barclays and Gilliat all launched three products each in the past two weeks, most of which focused on the FTSE 100 index as investors continue shy away from risky investments
Volatility, correlation and skew too
Surviving skew
Trade of the month: Non-domestic underlyings
When investors are seeking diversification that includes foreign currencies, there is a choice of methods for approaching currency risk