Defining the next generation of GRC
Firms are now under pressure to significantly transform governance, risk and compliance processes. Traditional mechanisms of effective risk management and regulatory compliance are fast becoming outdated. New technologies such as machine learning and…
Disruptive change in US power markets: Identifying risks and embracing opportunities in the new world of digital
Power markets worldwide are experiencing disruptive changes on a bigger scale and with greater speed than many had anticipated. Now, more than ever, it is essential to understand opportunities and risks associated with these changes
Risk monitoring through better knowledge-based risk processes
The aim of this paper is to propose a model that describes the integration of knowledge-based risks (via the processes of knowledge-based risk identification, analysis, evaluation and education) and knowledge-based risk repositories to support risk…
New backtests for unconditional coverage of expected shortfall
In this paper, the authors present a new backtest for the unconditional coverage property of expected shortfall.
Unlocking value from risk and finance data
For banks facing squeezed margins and increasingly agile competitors, a lack of consistent data quality and insight is a significant hurdle for risk and finance teams trying to transform the organisation. Innovative banks have brought the two functions…
Multifactor granularity adjustments for market and counterparty risks
In this paper, the authors propose several flexible families of models to manage the market and/or the counterparty risk of portfolios of financial assets.
Chaotic behavior in financial market volatility
In this paper, the authors present a robust method for the detection of chaos based on the Lyapunov exponent, which is consistent even for noisy and finite scalar time series.
BV–VPIN: Measuring the impact of order flow toxicity and liquidity on international equity markets
The authors analyze the impact of different values of the VBS and sample size applied as inputs in a BV–VPIN model based on the US market in order to ascertain the optimal criteria for application across all other countries in our data set.
The evolving relationship between finance and risk
Increased regulatory requirements that are expanding the necessity for chief financial officers to be proficient in regulations and advanced big data analytics have seen the relationship with chief risk officers develop to facilitate co-operation as…
Quants tout exposure-based approach to op risk modelling
Ebor especially suited to modelling loss events such as legal claims, say proponents
Bank risk committees: desperately seeking risk managers
Most boards still lack career risk specialists despite tighter governance requirements
Estimation window strategies for value-at-risk and expected shortfall forecasting
This paper analyzes the impact of different estimation window strategies, including structural breaks and forecast combinations, on forecasting common risk measures such as VaR and ES.
Risk averse fractional trading using the current drawdown
In this paper, the fractional trading ansatz of money management, also called growth optimal trading, is reconsidered. Special attention is paid to the chance and risk parts of the goal function for the related optimization problem.
Fed credit limits likely to hit investment banks, custodians hardest
State Street, BNY Mellon, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs have low credit limits; high bank exposures
Asia Risk Interdealer Rankings 2018: The winners
Societe Generale and BGC top the tables
Regulators zeroing in on non-financial risk, say banks
Several big financial firms said to be considering appointing heads of non-financial risk
Operational risk measurement beyond the loss distribution approach: an exposure-based methodology
In this paper, the authors present an alternative quantification technique, so-called exposure-based operational risk (EBOR) models, which aim to replace historical severity curves by measures of current exposures and use event frequencies based on…