Ponzi scheme
Stanford and Antigua regulator 'blood brothers' in fraud, claims CFO
Daily news headlines
SEC to set up specialised detection units
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Santander settles over Madoff
Losses & Lawsuits
Two More Ponzi schemes exposed in the US
Losses & Lawsuits
US arrests man for $7 million US Ponzi fraud
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Madoff feeder fund accused of fraud and deception
Losses and Lawsuits
Westgate president charged with $150m investment fraud
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UK authorities braced for wave of financial frauds
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SEC strikes deal with Madoff
Losses & Lawsuits
SEC charges Stanford with $8 billion fraud
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Fund manager charged over 14-year-old Ponzi scheme
Daily news headlines
SEC Catches out Haitian Ponzi
Losses and Lawsuits
Regulators and Industry Reel after $50bn Madoff Fraud
Losses and Lawsuits