Over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives
US to regulate OTC derivatives
Daily news headlines
In the clear
The trend away from uncleared over-the-counter trading to cleared OTC trading has prompted exchanges to list a greater range of OTC cleared products. But to what extent can the OTC markets ever become completely cleared? Katie Holliday investigates
Big bang: new dawn for CDS market
The 'big bang' protocol, which changes the way credit derivatives are quoted and traded, may have brought a CDS exchange one step closer
Fair's fair?
Fair value accounting has received much criticism during the financial crisis of the past 20 months. While it is unlikely to be suspended, its execution in inactive markets remains the subject of much debate. Could independent valuation providers offer a…
Mixed benefits for banks from independent valuations
Flaws in the valuation of complex securities have driven a renewed focus on independent valuations, but vendors remain divided in their assessment of the use banks are making of their services.
Testing times
Editor's letter
The time for using insurance for op risk has come
Automated payments system increases OTC transparency
Daily news headlines
FSA cracks down on client valuations
Daily news headlines
OTC derivatives exposure-management service to launch
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Derivatives present growing risk management threat
Daily news headlines
The misdirected directive?
Germany's financial regulator, BaFin, tried to steal a march on its European rivals by implementing a new directive that should open the door to asset managers investing in new products and using over-the-counter derivatives. But did it get it wrong?
Skating on thin Ice
Profits at the Intercontinental Exchange fell by more than half last year thanksto a contraction in over-the-counter revenues. Yet the exchange reports recordvolumes for its IPE business. Paul Lyon analyses the results
Isda pushes for automated trade verification for derivatives
The International Swaps and Derivatives Association, the trade body representing over 600 institutions working in the derivatives industry, has moved to accelerate the transition to automated over-the-counter derivatives trade processing by publishing a…
Isda and Liba protest against CAD3 divergences from Basel II
The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (Isda) and the London Investment Banking Association (Liba) have released their joint response to the European Union's third capital adequacy directive (CAD3). The response was delivered at non-public…
US retreat hits European trading
The retreat of US energy firms from energy trading has reportedly hit European volumes hard. But volumes aside, James Ockenden finds that the withdrawal may bring a fundamental change in the market. With additional reporting by Eurof Thomas