Non-cleared trades
Lawyers divided over Isda’s China netting memo
New legal guidance spells out how close-out netting may be achieved, but critics say it’s impractical
Banks turn to synthetic derivatives to cut initial margin
Options-based instruments can halve initial margin for some non-cleared products, say dealers
Just six banks caught by phase two of IM regime
Four EU, one Japanese and one Australian bank to start posting initial margin on non-cleared trades from September
Japan seeks speedy margin rule equivalence decisions
The country has equivalence agreements with Canada and the US, but not Europe
Time trial: the big risks that lurk in OTC margin gaps
Banks take aim at margin and trade-flow lag that can cause 95% of counterparty risk
Spectre of mass swap unwinds looms ahead of VM deadline
Dealers warn of market disruption if trades lacking new CSAs are terminated before September 1
Emir review could push securitisations into the dark
Subjecting deals to margin requirements would be a further blow to STS securitisation concept
Banks urged to engage custodians in time for IM phase two
Isda AGM: Start legal negotiations now or risk missing September deadline, warn dealers
VM repapering exercise ‘a swing and a miss’
Isda AGM: Banks picked up big bill but few benefits, says UBS ALM exec
TriOptima adds MVA calculations to XVA service
Three firms have signed up to use the tool, which calculates MVA across 100,000 scenarios
Banks seek escape from inter‑affiliate margin burden
Internal transactions contributing “substantial” amount of banks’ initial margin requirement
Dealers crack down on clients with dual netting sets
Pricing adjustments for posting non-cash collateral can run to 100bp
Dealers struggle with VM in non-netting jurisdictions
EU exemptions from margin posting are either hard to obtain or face client resistance
Monthly swaps data review: Libor dominance challenged
There are more sources of over-the-counter derivatives data available today than at any point in the market’s history
Some banks find huge margin savings by breaking up indexes
Splitting equity and commodity indexes can halve initial margin, but not everyone can do it
Margin rule mismatch spawns new VM funding cost for buy side
Settlement timing difference penalises back-to-back trades with US and EU banks
Legacy booking models impede NDF clearing, banks say
Novation lag holds up clearing of forex products; some say dealers are dragging feet
Masters: blockchain could ease margin headaches
Margining non-cleared derivatives a “massively under-optimised space”, says Digital Asset chief
Non-cleared swaps compression battle heats up
Quantile, LMRKTS, Capitalab and triBalance jostle for supremacy in IM optimisation
Dealers at odds with Fed on variation margin relief
Significant exposure test should be applied on a gross basis, has learned
Variation margin relief sparks swaps pricing disputes
Banks divided over whether to price trades using current CSAs or theoretical new agreements
Hazy guidance causes chaos on first day of VM regime
"We don’t know what the rules are," says one senior banker
Vague VM relief criteria creates trading uncertainty
Banks face lack of clarity on extent of margin rule forbearance
JFSA eases VM rules for cross-border trades
Japanese firms with non-compliant CSAs can trade with certain foreign counterparties from March 1