A long life for longevity swaps?
The market for longevity swaps is picking up pace, with several transactions completed over the past few months. But is this asset class here to stay or is it a response to market conditions? By Alexander Campbell
Bond ambition – The World Bank’s attempts to launch a longevity bond in Chile
Attempts to diversify longevity risk into the broader financial system have so far focused on using swaps. But in an ambitious move, the World Bank has tried to launch the first ever longevity bond in Chile. Aaron Woolner reports on how successful this…
Locked out of longevity
Despite regulatory scrutiny of life settlement products and concerns over the complexity of assessing longevity risk, the institutional structured product market in the asset class is growing exponentially. But will these products ever be suitable for…
Australian annuities - from boom to bust
The Australian superannuation system contains over A$1.2 trillion of assets, but the country’s annuity industry has yet to see any tangible inflow from the sector. As baby boomers retire, will this change and if so, does the industry have the risk…
Longevity swaps - a new way forward
The longevity swap market has gone from nowhere to a value of £7 billion in less than a year – offering pension schemes a potential solution to one of their biggest headaches. But do these instruments have a long-term future, or are they simply a…
Local authority opts for longevity swap
The £1.2 billion Royal County of Berkshire pension fund is poised to take the bold step of signing a longevity swap deal to cover all of its 10,000 pensioners, in the first of its kind for a UK public pension scheme.
Difficulties with deficits
Pension deficits have rocketed, with slumping equity markets decimating asset portfolios. Has this made bulk purchase annuity solutions more attractive or are the costs too punitive? Ryan Davidson reports