Governance, risk and compliance (GRC)
Vendors form ERM initiative to meet S&P evaluations
Daily news headlines
All under control
Jeff Roth and Wally Musegades outline how it is possible to reduce exposure through active control management, and for the op risk function to make a positive contribution to business results
GRC is key to post-crunch compliance, says Deloitte report
Daily news headlines
FSA releases systems and controls questions on SG rogue trading incident
Daily news headlines
Logica and SAP launch GRC collaboration
Daily news headlines
Firms acknowledge but ignore GRC benefits
Daily news headlines
The trouble with GRC
Governance, risk and compliance is posing thorny challenges for many executives
Under a broad umbrella
Integration, consolidation and convergence were the key words from the top ranking companies in this year's compliance software survey. But as Peter Madigan reports, aiming for a fully comprehensive suite in a constantly changing regulatory world may be…
From small acorns...
In the third of a series, Eric Holmquist considers some practical steps to building a better risk culture
Changing culture
In the second of a series, Eric Holmquist considers some specific goals in trying to establish a risk culture
The advancing tide of rationalisation
Rationalisation, rationalisation, rationalisation. There is no denying it, this is the major theme in operational risk in the US at the moment, and it is a trend that is spreading to Europe as well.
Aftershocks of the Big Bang
At the end of October, the City of London celebrated the 20th anniversary of the 'Big Bang' – the first big deregulation of the financial services industry in the UK.