Financial markets

Pre-cessation Ibor picture gets clearer

As the derivatives market has accepted the impending transition away from interbank offered rates, attention has turned to how best to manage it. Philip Whitehurst, head of service development, rates at LCH, explores how the clearing house is working…

Operational uncertainty – An unavoidable challenge

The transition from Libor to a new risk-free rate has revealed a number of challenges for all financial markets participants – the nature and scope of what lies ahead is vast, impacting businesses, operations and support functions. KPMG‘s global Libor…

Harnessing AI to achieve Libor transition

Chris Dias, principal at KPMG, explains how the vast increase in accuracy that artificial intelligence (AI) offers when dealing with large volumes of complex agreements is crucial to exploring the market opportunities and mitigating the risks of the…

IFRS 17 Special report 2019

The insurance industry has long been vocal about the need for a two-year extension to the International Accounting Standards Board’s (IASB’s) proposed 2021 implementation date for International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 17 – the accounting…

How to apply Python to complex financial markets

The unprecedented proliferation of data in derivatives markets has led to a rise in popularity of Python, a multipurpose programming language known for its versatility and flexibility. Undoubtedly, the increased adoption of Python has helped enable…

Balance-sheet interest rate risk: a weighted Lp approach

In this paper, the authors introduce a new interest rate risk measure that is a product of two factors: one related to the distance between assets and liabilities in the Lp-space of financial instruments, and the other linked to the performance of the…

Asia embraces intelligent automation

Asia’s adoption of new tools and processes has gained significant momentum, with increased automation now a primary focus for many financial firms. Paul Worthy, head of Japan at Tradeweb, explores how this change has come about, and how firms can use the…

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