Financial institution
Risk management on course to move beyond cost centre
Video Q&A: Neil Dodgson, IBM Watson Financial Services
Wells Fargo cuts deposits to meet Fed order
$15 billion in financial institution deposits driven out in response to Fed-imposed asset cap
The new world of risk analytics
Webinar: SAS
Distributed ledger technology in payments, clearing and settlement
This paper examines how DLT can be used in the area of PCS, and identifies both the opportunities and challenges associated with its long-term implementation and adoption.
Monitoring regulatory changes to stay one step ahead
Winners' Circle Q&A | Droit Financial Technologies
Global harmony – Educating firms on the new Common Reporting Standard
TMF Group explores how educating organisations on the approaching Common Reporting Standard can fix problems presented by discrepancies in the standard’s interpretation across different jurisdictions
Fintech and wholesale banking: why nothing has changed
Staff turnover, regulation among five factors holding banks back
Operational risk and the three lines of defence in UK financial institutions: is three really the magic number?
This paper examines the three lines of defence in the context of ORM in UK financial institutions.
EU risks have intensified, financial supervisors warn
Financial sector struggling with macro and operational risks
Cyber gangs planning billion-dollar bank theft, police say
Criminals targeting one big hit rather than multiple smaller thefts
Sponsored video: Hank Prybylski on op risk challenges for the year ahead
Operational risk is facing a renaissance and could dominate the risk agenda of financial institutions for the next decade, says Hank Prybylski, global head of financial services risk management at Ernst & Young
Amir-Mokri appointed to US Treasury
Cyrus Amir-Mokri is the new assistant secretary for financial institutions at the US Treasury.
FSB: risk managers should advise on compensation
FSB remuneration guidelines suggest all firms should have risk management executives on compensation committee
Asia’s banks move to meet new capital and liquidity rules
A capital plan